
The dot files for Neovim

Primary LanguageVim Script


The dot files for Neovim that i use for customization

Feel free to fork.

It is has plugins for C, Python and Haskell. It uses base16 themes and dein plugin manager. Visit dein page for installation instructions.

On Linux it requires (They should be present in path):

  • Git
  • GNU Make
  • Python 3
  • python-neovim (Use pip3 install neovim)
  • xclip for system clipboard support

On Windows it requires (They should be present in path):

  • Git for Windows
  • MingW32-Make (Install Mingw32 with developer tools)
  • Python 3
  • python-neovim (pip install neovim)
  • Add the neovim directory to path for clipboart support. (Neovim detects win32yank in its directory only when added to path)

External tools used:

  • Vint for vim
  • lintr for R
  • pylint, flake8, autopep8
  • proselint, vale
  • ghc-mod, hlint, hindent
  • astyle for C,C++