Economic Analysis of Health Insurance Models and COVID-19

Here in this code, I'm looking at COVID data with regards to number of daily cases and deaths and examining how certain funding models and private/public methods of hospital functions may have brought those numbers out.

A related report done for the course Economic Analysis for Technologists can also be found. The introduction for that report can be found below.


Healthcare refers to the area of providing health services such as preventative care, treatment of disease, and diagnosis to a population, usually with three main goals: keeping people healthy, treating the sick, and protecting families from financial ruin form medical bills. Healthcare is usually managed within the boundaries of a nation, and how the healthcare of that nation is defined is usually by how it structures the relationships between the hospitals, the insurers, the state, and the citizens. There are a number of different ways to manage these relationships, but generally four main systems have emerged: the Beveridge Model, the Bismarck Model, the National Health Insurance Model, and the Out-of-Pocket Model. The United States is a unique case, as it contains a patchwork of all four of these models.