
Terminal cube simulator via python3

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Term Cube

Term Cube is a cube timer and simulator which can simulate cubic twistypuzzles with arbitrary side lengths. The cube simulator has a lot of the same functionality as PyCuber https://github.com/adrianliaw/PyCuber in that it can simulate a 3x3x3 and can reverse an algorithm. The timer has a Two-Phase Algorithm solver, random state scrambling for 3x3x3, solve tagging for statistics, and works with cubes of any side length > 1.

It uses random-state scrambles for the 3x3x3 by default. Solves and scrambles no longer take a godawful amount of time thanks to threading, but beware of CPU usage. When using the timer, scrambles are generated in the background, making them available almost immediately after initialization. On slower computers, this might not be the case, but they can be disabled at startup, fixing the lag and the CPU usage.

##Optional Setup This module uses setuptools to hopefully make things easier.

Recommended workflow:

  1. Set up a virtualenv (protip: use virtualenvwrapper)
  2. Activate said virtualenv
  3. Navigate to the top of this repo
  4. Assuming you already have setuptools installed, run python setup.py develop.

This will create symlinks from this repo to a python package, such that other programs can use the termcube module. This procedure also utilizes the entrypoint feature of setuptools, creating a global script termcube with various features.

##Usage For basic usage, run termcube.py in python3. The script takes care of the rest!

--help will explain how to use command line arguments to skip the beginning prompts.

##Simulator Demonstration

>>> from cube import Cube
>>> r = Cube(4)
>>> r.interact()
4x4x4 Cube

solved cube image

R L f2 Uw2
4x4x4 Cube

moved cube image

2Uw R D 2Rw2 2Fw2 R F R' 2Fw2 R2 2Bw' U 2Rw D' L' 2Uw' 2Rw 2Dw2 2Fw2 2Rw 2Dw2 F 2Dw 2Lw' U2 L' 2Fw2 2Rw2 2Fw2 2Dw2 2Lw 2Dw B2 L2 U' 2Lw 2Uw2 2Fw 2Dw2 R2
4x4x4 Cube

scrambled cube image

##termcube.py This script is the only script that can and should be executed. Others should only be imported from or run interactively.

It contains the front end to all other scripts, i.e., run this script to access the timer, simulator, or any demonstrations.

Here is the help text:

Term Cube: Timer and Simulator usage: termcube [-h] [--inspection INSPECTION] [--unofficial [UNOFFICIAL]] [--using-tags] [behaviour] [dimension]

positional arguments: behaviour timer, simulator, demo-kociemba, random-turns dimension Cube side length (default 3)

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --inspection INSPECTION, -i INSPECTION The number of seconds to inspect (default 15) --unofficial [UNOFFICIAL], -u [UNOFFICIAL] Use a low CPU alternative to official style scrambles --using-tags, -t Apply tags after each solve to sort

possible behaviours: timer - cube timer simulator - simulate a cube of amy side length > 0 demo-kociemba - random-state scramble then solve a cube with
Kociemba's two-phase algorithm, turn by turn random-turns - Start from solved, then apply random turns until solved

##simulator.py This module has one class (a cube simulator) and one function that uses that class to simulate a cube using python's curses module.

Press F, R, U, L, D, B, M, E, S, X, Y, or Z to turn the cube. Hold shift and press to do the reverse of that turn.

Press : to initiate a command or type a longer string of notation.

Available commands: -reset - Reset the cube to a solved position -solve - Display a two-phase solution -sexy - Apply the sexy move (R U R' U') -scramble - Print a scramble and apply it -exit - Exit interactive mode (change cube) -help - Access this help text"""

##turn.py This module has two classes, Turn and TurnSequence. A Turn represents a single move that can be used to manipulate a cube with any arbitrary side length > 1. A TurnSequence is a list object that specifically holds Turn objects and can produce their own inverses, i.e., a given TurnSequence A can return a TurnSequence B that undoes A. They can also produce random turn scrambles.

##cube.py This module has two classes: ScrambleGenerator, which generates random state scrambles in a separate thread and returns them when requested, and Cube, which simulates a cube of any side length > 1. A Cube can apply an arbitrary Turn object to itself (as long as its depth is less than its side length). It implements a str() that uses ANSI color codes to represent colors. Orange is represented by purple because there is no orange ANSI color code.

The interact method works repl style. You can input a given sequence of cube notation (WCA or SiGN will both work equally) and it will be applied to the cube and print itself. Try it, it's very fun.

##termusr.py This module contains timer functions. By default it generates random state 3x3x3 scrambles, prints what a cube would look like after applying the scramble, counts down until inspections is stopped, then counts up until stopped, and repeats until stopped.

It supports rudimentary exports to files, deleting times, adding penalties, and also tagging a solve at the end of solve time so that each time can be sorted by attributes that interest the user.

##webusr.py This module puts random cubes on a webpage on localhost:8000 using visualcube. http://cube.crider.co.uk/visualcube.php

Not very useful. May be expanded later.

##solve.py This module has one real function which solves a cube from a given sticker string using muodov's implementation of kociemba's two phase algorithm. Description of the cube string and source for muodov's python port of two-phase can be found at https://github.com/muodov/kociemba.

##scramble.py This module is adapted from muodov's solve.py. It generates a cube in a randomly assembled but solvable state, solves it with Kociemba's algorithm, then returns the inverse of the solution.

Description and source for muodov's python port of two-phase can be found at https://github.com/muodov/kociemba.

Description of Kociemba's two-phase algorithm can be found at http://kociemba.org/cube.htm

If anyone has any suggestions for speeding up the solver I would be very happy to know.