

  • libreadline
  • libarchive


  • Database
    • Versioning
    • Notes
    • Filtering
      • length / time to make (0hr 50min)
      • difficulty (easy/medium/hard)
      • country / region (ex. Mexican Food)
      • meal (bfast/brunch/dinner/snack/dessert)
      • special ingredients / store (ex. Asian Market)
    • Branching/copying
    • File serializing/deserializing
  • Unit conversion system
  • Command line interface
    • libreadline
    • adjustable serving size
    • filtering
    • shell integration
      • piping with linux commands
      • one shot mode

Style guide

Braces on same line, except for function definitions or multi-line conditionals

int foo()
    if (bar()) {

lower-case snake-case naming for variables and functions #define constants, enum values upper-case snake-case globals prefixed with g_, avoid as much as possible structs and typedefs are seperate, typedef types suffixed with _t

typedef struct foo foo_t;
struct foo {

use static functions, sanity check arguments on non-static functions