This shiny application is a map of the Luxembourg unemployment rate by county and by year between 2001 and 2015. This application is composed of an interface file (ui.R) and a server file (server.R).
The data folder contains all the data related to unemployment.
The www folder regroups all files that are related to the loading animation while the application downloads data:
busy2.gif is the animation
js_part.js is the code to trigger the gif animation
stylessheet.css is the css file for the style associated to the application.
You can see the shiny application in action here
You have to provide the complete path of the data folder. You have to insert the path between the quote at the line 20 of server.R
19 #The path where the data is located
20 path="Put/Your/Path/Here/"
Enjoy this application and if you have any issues to make it work correctly, you can always watch my tutorial video or contact me.