
A suite of test tools designed to analyze/study concurrency behaviour of code

Primary LanguageJava

Concurrency Testing tools, fail-fast collections

Detects access behaviour to collections that is inconsistent with the java memory model. Normally blows up with an exception when the third thread accesses the collection. This is an approximation of the instance being constructed prior to starting threads, in which case the second thread can still access the data safely.

As long as the code can be run with a liberal amount of threads, this approximation will detect most questionable access patterns.

Please note that this considers the access to the collections themselves. You probably want to look into the objects inside the collections too ;)

How to use

Checkout from source and build this project, mvn install

Make a branch/copy of your code, add this library to pom.xml:

<dependency> <groupId>org.rosenvold.concurrency</groupId> <artifactId>failfast-collections</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>

Basic operation

You do a search-replace in your code:

new HashMap --> new org.rosenvold.concurrency.explore.DiagnosticHashMap
new java.util.HashMap --> new org.rosenvold.concurrency.explore.DiagnosticHashMap
new ArrayList --> new org.rosenvold.concurrency.explore.DiagnosticArrayList
new java.util.ArrayList --> new org.rosenvold.concurrency.explore.DiagnosticArrayList
new HashSet --> new org.rosenvold.concurrency.explore.DiagnosticHashSet
new java.util.HashSet --> new org.rosenvold.concurrency.explore.DiagnosticHashSet

You may also consider doing "find usages" on the constructors of the JDK objects after doing search/replace, it usually misses a few.

Now things will explode the next time you run with threads. Run with # threads > 3.

Refining your findings

Once you stumble upon a concurrency problem you will be informed of where the offending collection was allocated. Normally I then just change the package part from "explore" to "knownproblem". This uses a fully synchronized implementation of the collection, while you can go on charting/finding problems.

The contract for "Map" and "Set" is very rigid wrt thread-safety; there is basically no operation you can do that is thread-safe on these classes.

ArrayList is a bit different, since the contract allows reads to be done concurrently.

When you find a problem that involves an "ArrayList" you can choose to replace "explore" with "contract" instead. This will allow you to determine if access is happening according to the concurrency contract of ArrayList.

Additionally, you can check for obeyance of strict publication issues by using the "strictpublication" package. This is stricter than the contract in the sense that only the object creator has write access, and only before any other threads see the object.

It is a sad part of the api's that this will only tell you what you current code is doing in the use case youre testing. So there's little preventing furture code changes to break this again. So use this tool to chart your concurrency issues for further analysis.