
Workshop materials for the 01/2024 training on testing ML software

Primary LanguagePython

Machine Learning Testing

In this workshop, you will take prototype ML code in Python and move it towards production.


penguin testing a freezer


You will apply the following tools to embed a Machine Learning model in a maintainable software structure:

  1. start with a prototype model
  2. define a public interface
  3. collect training metadata
  4. run static code analysis
  5. run Unit Tests
  6. start a REST API server
  7. log information
  8. create a Docker container
  9. create a package structure
  10. monitor aggregate information


Download the code

Copy and unzip or clone the repository.

Create a virtual environment

Create a virtual environment with Python 3.11. If you are using Anaconda, type in a terminal:

conda create -n ml_testing python=3.11

conda activate ml_testing

Also see Academis.

Install Python libraries

Install all necessary files from the file requirements.txt with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

1. The Prototype

Start with a prototype that trains and evaluates a model predicting penguin species.

Download the code in prototype.py. Put it in a dedicated folder.

Run the script from the command line:

python prototype.py

2. A public interface

Copy the files entity.py and penguin_predictor.py from the tasks/ folder. They implement the Facade Pattern using Pydantic classes for data exchange.

Add the code for the create_pipeline() function in penguin_predictor.py


Compare the structure of the public interface to the prototype. How does the public interface help us maintain a quality model?

Also see: FacadePattern

3. Metadata

The metadata definition is not complete yet.

  • collect a few fields that should be part of the metadata.
  • add them to the definition of the metadata.
  • complete the ModelMetadata class in entity.py
  • complete the metadata creation in penguin_predictor.py


Why is the metadata of crucial importance?

4. Static Code Analysis

Before we will execute the code, we will check its quality. Run the following code checking tools:

black automatically formats your code to conform with PEP8. Execute it with:

python -m black *.py

isort automatically sorts the inputs in your Python files. Execute it with:

python -m isort *.py

pylint does more strict checks against PEP8, including variable usage. Execute it with:

python -m pylint

(also see the .pylintrc file for configuration)

mypy checks consistency of the type hints:

python -m mypy *.py

(add the --strict option for a more rigorous check).


What types of bugs could these tools help finding?

5. Unit Test the interface

In tasks/test_penguin_predictor.py you find Unit Tests against the module penguin_predictor.py. Copy those files alongside with your code. Also copy the test_data/ folder.

Run the tests with:

python -m pytest

You could also include some of the static checks:

python -m pytest --isort --mypy


Add another assert to the test that tests a new metadata field.

Make sure the tests passes.


Should your write a test checking the exact training or validation accuracy of a model? Why or why not?

6. Rest API Server

In tasks/server.py there is code to expose the model to the network.

Start the server with:

python -m uvicorn server:app --reload --port 8080

Then go to localhost:8080/docs in the browser. Do the following:

  • train the model through the OpenAPI web interface
  • check the models/ folder and copy the id of the model
  • add the model_id to the config dictionary
  • implement the API endpoint /predict
  • run a prediction with arbitrary values
  • unmask the tests in test_server.py and make sure the tests pass

7. Logging

Inspect the file loggers.py in tasks/ . Adapt your code to create a few log messages during training and inference.

8. Dockerize

Copy the files Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml from tasks. Build a container with:

docker compose build

Then start the service with:

docker compose up

9. Package structure

To create a clean package structure that makes it easier to distribute releases of your program, consider the following steps:

  • clean up the requirements.txt file by moving all development requirements into a separate file dev_requirements.txt
  • create a folder pingu_predictor/ for the Python code
  • create another folder tests/ for the test code
  • add the setup.py from tasks/ to the main directory of the project
  • edit setup.py to insert the package name pingu_predictor

Then you should be able to locally install the package with:

pip install -- editable .

10. Observing the model

In data/ you find a test data set. This can be used to evaluate multiple model versions on the same data.

Run the example script tasks/monitor_test_data.py on the models in models.

Which of them are good.

Can you find any indication what is wrong with the other ones?

Further Ideas:

The examination of the model could go a lot further. Here are some ideas:

  • visualize more metadata
  • summarize and log key metrics of the data over time
  • plot a histogram of the probabilities for the training and test set
  • use a data version control tool
  • use a tool managing model versions like MLFlow
  • use a monitoring tool like Grafana


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