
A golang sql Driver for the Amazon Aurora Serverless data api.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A golang sql Driver for the Amazon Aurora Serverless data api.

Note: The serverless data api only supports named query parameters, not ordinal ones. We perform a simple ordinal variable replacement in the driver, however we strongly recommend you used named parameters as a general rule.

Getting Started

The dsn used in this driver follows the standard URL pattern, however given the complexity of the ARN input parameters required and reserved URI characters, we're forced to put all parameters - even the required ones - in the query parameters.


This complex string may be generated using the Config type and its ToDSN method.

conf := &rds.Config{
    ResourceArn: "...",
    SecretArn:   "...",
    Database:    "...",
    AWSRegion:   "...",
	SplitMulti:  false,
	ParseTime:   true,
dsn, err := conf.ToDSN()

db.ConnPool, err = sql.Open(rds.DRIVERNAME, dsn)

Data mappings

The nature of our data translation - from DB to HTTP to Go - makes converting database types somewhat tricky. In most cases, we've done our best to match the behavior of a commonly used driver, so swapping from Data API to Driver can be done quickly and easily. Even so, there are some unusual behaviors of the RDS Data API that we call out below:


The RDS MySQL version supported is 5.7. Driver parity is tested using github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql

  • Unsigned integers are not natively supported by the AWS SDK's Data API, and are all converted to the int64 type. As such large integer values may be lossy.
  • The BIT column type is returned from RDS as a Boolean, preventing the full use of BIT(M). Until (if ever) this is fixed, only BIT(1) column values are supported.
  • Declaring a TINYINT(1) in your table will cause the Data API to return a Boolean instead of an integer. Numeric values are only returned by TINYINT(2) or greater.
  • The BOOLEAN column type is converted into a BIT column by RDS.
  • Boolean marshalling and unmarshalling via sql.*, because of the above issues, only works reliably with the TINYINT(2) column type. Do not use BOOLEAN, BIT, or TINYINT(1) due to the above behavior.


The RDS Postgres version supported is 10.14. Driver parity is tested using github.com/jackc/pgx/v4

  • Unsigned integers are not natively supported by the AWS SDK's Data API, and are all converted to the int64 type. As such large integer values may be lossy.
  • Postgres complex types - in short anything in section 8.8 and after, is not supported. If you'd like us to support that, pull requests are relatively easy to submit.


This driver supports a variety of configuration options in the DSN, as follows:

  • parse_time: Instead of returning the default string value of a date or time type, the driver will convert it into time.Time
  • split_multi: This option will automatically split all SQL statements by the default delimiter ; and submit them to the API as separate requests. Enable this for uses with large migration statements.

Using your own RDS Client

golang's sql package interfaces provide a challenge, as it's quite difficult to capture all the configuration options available in an AWS Configuration instance in a DSN. For this, please construct your own client and create a Connector, then use that connector with the sql.OpenDB() method.

rdsDriver := rds.NewDriver()
rdsConfig := rds.NewConfig(...)
rdsAWSClient := rdsdata.NewFromConfig(...)
rdsConnector := rds.NewConnector(rdsDriver, rdsAWSClient, rdsConfig)

db := sql.OpenDB(rdsConnector)

Usage with Gorm

The above caveat with the Serverless Data API makes usage of gorm tricky. While you can easily use named parameters in your own code, the current implementation of the Gorm Migrators (as of Aug 1, 2021) exclusively uses ordinal parameters. Please be careful when using this driver.

// RDS using the MySQL Dialector
conf := mysql.Config{
    DriverName: rds.DRIVERNAME,
    DSN:        dsn,
dialector := mysql.New(conf)

// RDS using the Postgres Dialector
conf := postgres.Config{
    DriverName: rds.DRIVERNAME,
    DSN:        dsn,
dialector := postgres.New(conf)

Running the tests

The intent of this driver is to reach type conversion parity with a database instance that's directly available- in other words, that the types returned from the respective drivers are identical. For that purpose we require that you provision a locally run instance of mysql and postgres, as well as an RDS instance of each. The outputs of each are compared during a test run.

Creating locally run test databases

Locally run databases can be started using docker compose up.

Creating RDS Test databases

This project includes a `./terraform/ directory which provisions the necessary resources on RDS. To create them:

// Choose an AWS profile
export AWS_PROFILE=your_aws_profile_name

cd ./terraform
terraform init
terraform apply

To dispose of these resources once you're done:

cd ./terraform
terraform destroy

Once created, the output values will be defined in a local file named terraform.tfstate. These are parsed by our makefile to ensure the correct values are used in the test suite, however for your local IDE it might be useful to set them directly:

export AWS_PROFILE = "your_aws_profile"
export RDS_MYSQL_DB_NAME = "go_rds_driver_mysql"
export RDS_MYSQL_ARN = "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:1234567890:cluster:mysql"
export RDS_POSTGRES_DB_NAME = "go_rds_driver_postgresql"
export RDS_POSTGRES_ARN = "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:1234567890:cluster:postgresql"
export RDS_SECRET_ARN = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:1234567890:secret:aurora_password"
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

Executing checks

Executing tests and generating reports can be done via the provided makefile.

make clean checks

Why does this even exist?

Not everyone has the capital to pay for the VPC resources necessary to access Aurora Serverless directly. In the author's case, he likes to keep his personal projects as cheap as possible, and paying for all VPC service gateways, just so he can access an RDBMS, crossed the threshold of affordability. If you're looking to run a personal project and don't want to break the bank with "overhead" expenses such as VPN service mappings, this driver's the way to go.


This implementation inspired by what came before.