
personal repo for my C++ learning journey

Primary LanguageC++

C++ - learning lab

Personal repo for my C++ Learning journey


My current study books are these great books titled

  1. Learning C++ by by Michael Haephrati and Ruth Haephrati
  2. Learn C++ by Example
  3. Object-Oriented Software Design in C++

all of these books are avaialable on Manning.com

Topics i have an idea of so far, i will constantly update this as i go through more chapters of the books:

  1. Arrays
  2. Vectors
  3. Operators
  4. Conditions
  5. strings
  6. functions
  7. pointers
  8. vectotors
  9. string literals
  10. functions
  11. pointers and address of
  12. Object Oriented Programming and C++