
Playground for setting up small Kubernetes cluster on some vagrant boxes and practice with various examples to get familiar with K8s.

Vagrant Kubernetes

Table of Content

A small playground to experiment or play with Kubernetes on multiple Vagrant Ubuntu ubuntu/bionic64 instances. So do not use this as a base for production like deployments (Kubespray for example).


Please make sure the following is installed before using this repo:

  • Ansible;
  • Vagrant;
  • VirtualBox;
  • Motivation!


Default the following is started/installed:

  • 1 Control node;
  • 2 Worker nodes;

Each node has 2 CPU's configured with each 2GB of RAM. You can change this to your needs by updating the Vagrantfile.

Kubernetes version

Kubernetes version 1.19.2 which can be changed in the Vagrantfile by looking in the top of the file for the line that starts with: K8S_VERSION. You can set that to a more recent version of Kubernetes before you start everything.

    IMAGE_NAME = "ubuntu/bionic64"
    K8S_VERSION = "1.19.2"
    N = 2


Once you are ready, run the following to start everything:

vagrant up

Once everything is booted, use the following command to logon to the control node:

vagrant ssh control

You should be able to run kubectl get nodes now.


In the examples directory, you can find some example questions that you can use to get familiar with Kubernetes.


Combination of code https://graspingtech.com/create-kubernetes-cluster/ and some custom things.