Parcel template

  1. yarn
  2. yarn dev - for start parcel
  3. yarn build - production

To deploy app

  1. npm run deploy
  2. open url https://{login GitHub}{repository name}/

For fix styles with Stylelint

.stylelintrc - Stylelint rules
.stylelintignore - Stylelint ignore

  1. npm run stylelint - for see errors
  2. npm run stylelint:fix - for fix errors

for auto fix in VsCode, added this line to settings.json:
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {"source.fixAll.stylelint": true}

for see errors in file:

  1. VsCode: install stylelint in the app store
  2. IDE from JetBrains: Settings > Stylelint (in search) > tick enable

For fix another code with Prettier

.prettierrc.json - Prettier rules

for fix in VsCode:

  1. install prettier in the app store
  2. right-click on the document
  3. Format Document With
  4. Configure Default Formatter...
  5. Choose Prettier - Code formatter

for auto fix in VsCode, added this line to settings.json:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,

for fix in IDE from JetBrains:

  1. Settings > Plugins > Marketplace > search prettier and install
  2. Search in settings prettier and tick this points:
    On code reformat and On save
  3. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P for format document