
State management solution that allows 'lifting the state' without parent rerender

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lifting the state without parent rerender

usage preview

Quick disclaimer

Most of the time, rerenders are fine and you shouldn't be bothered to optimize components when there are no signs of lagging and you still have other Jira tickets :). I created this just for fun and as a proof-of-concept.


A while ago I stumbled upon Jack Herrington's video on Blazing Fast React Context (I really recommend watching it) and learned you can share state using Context without the parent rerendering.

Yesterday someone asked me "Why do we need to provide the value props to a Context's provider?" and it got me wondered "That's right. We provided the value already in createContext().". After some digging, it turns out the value from createContext() is used if no Provider exists.

I also have been wanting to publish an npm package.


npm install react-wireless


The source (or store or atom) lives outside the component.

import { createSource } from 'react-wireless'

const useCount = createSource(0)

The returned value is a custom hook so I recommend prefixing with "use".

Use it inside your component as a regular useState (that is, it destructures into a state getter and setter).

function NavBar() {
    const [count, setCount] = useCount()

Now any components that subscribes to useCount will rerender on state changes.

Oh, the setter also receives a callback just like useState's. Below is a contrived example of a counter app to illustrate the idea

const useCount = createSource(0)

function IncrementButton() {
    const [_, setCount] = useCount()

    return <button onClick={() => setCount(c => c + 1)}>+1</button> 

function CountDisplay() {
    const [count] = useCount()

    return <span>{count}</span>

// this App will not rerender on count changes
function App() {
    return <>
        <CountDisplay />
        <IncrementButton />