
MAPF instance generator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

The MAPF Instance Generator is a tool for generating instances of the Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem in the lightweight MAPF instance format. It is designed to help students and researchers create custom MAPF instances for testing and benchmarking purposes.

instance examples


Requires Conda to be installed.

To install download this repository and run conda env create --file reqs.yml from the main folder. This will create a new environment called "gen" and install all required packages. Please remember to activate the correct environment using conda activate gen to be able to use the generator.


Help message

usage: python gen.py (empty | maze | random -c [0-100] | room -w WIDTH | warehouse -w WIDTH) -s SIZE -a AGENTS [-d DISTANCE] [-dir DIRECTORY] [-dur MINDUR MAXDUR] [-m] [-suf SUFFIX] [-t TIMEOUT] [-v] [-h] [-q]

positional arguments:
  {empty, maze, random, room, warehouse, *.jpg, *.png, *.lp}
                                                 type of instance to be generated, path to image to be converted or path to instance to be loaded
optional arguments:
  -h,                 --help                     show this help message and exit
  -a AGENTS,          --agents AGENTS            number of agents
  -acyc,              --acyclicity               checks acyclicity
                      --allSPs                   generates all shortest paths instead of one
  -c [0-100],         --cover [0-100]            percentage of vertices covered (default=75)
  -d DISTANCE,        --distance DISTANCE        min. manhatten distance from start to goal
  -dir DIRECTORY      --directory DIRECTORY      sets directory
  -dur MINDUR MAXDUR, --durations MINDUR MAXDUR  generates instances with durations
  -m,                 --makespan                 searches for minimal makespan
  -q,                 --quiet                    turns on quiet mode
  -sp,                --shortest_paths           searches for shortest paths
  -suf SUFFIX,        --suffix SUFFIX            appends suffix to filename
  -t,                 --timeout                  sets a timeout in seconds
  -v,                 --visualize                convert to and visualize with asprilo
  -w WIDTH,           --width WIDTH              width of rooms / shelves (default=5)

required arguments for all instance types:
  -s X-SIZE Y-SIZE,   --size X-SIZE Y-SIZE       size of instance




python gen.py empty -s 10 10 -a 5 -dur 1 5 generates an empty 10x10 instance with 5 agents and random durations between 1 and 5 of the edges.


python gen.py maze -s 10 10 -a 5 -dir "mazes" generates a 10x10 maze instance with 5 agents and saves it in the directory "mazes".


python gen.py random -s 10 10 -a 5 -c 55 generates a 10x10 random instance with 5 agents where 55% of the space is covered by nodes resulting in 45% being random obstacles.


python gen.py room -s 10 10 -a 5 -w 5 generates a 10x10 room instance with 5 agents where every room has a size of 5x5 nodes.

Change instance

python gen.py instance.lp -a 12 changes the number of agents of an instance to 12.

Convert image to instance

python gen.py image.jpg -s 10 10 converts an image to a 10x10 instance.

Meta Information


The -m option saves the minimal makespan in a seperate meta file.

Shortest Paths

The -sp option saves the shortest path in a seperate file.


The -acyc option checks if the instance is solvable without any of the agents performing cycles. If so the fact acyclic. is added to the meta file.


-t 600 sets a 10 minutes timeout for the generation.


Use -q to have no status output at all


To automatically visualize the instance at the end of the process use the -v option.

To visualize the instances at a later time use the asprilo visualizer with the converter: mif_to_asprilo.lp like this: clingo instance.lp mif_to_asprilo.lp | viz
