
🤖 Use myjson.com's free JSON store to store data for your BotKit bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Use myjson.com to store data for your BotKit bot.


To use this, first add it to your project by doing

npm install --save botkit_myjson_storage or yarn add botkit_myjson_store

Once it's installed, go to myjson.com and enter and save []. In the URL you'll be directed to, copy the bin ID. For example, the bin ID for http://myjson.com/mAy5q would be mAy5q.

Use it as demonstrated by the following example:

var yourController = Botkit.slackbot({
  storage: require('botkit_myjson_storage')({
    bin_id: 'THE_BIN_ID'

From there, you should be able to use Botkit's documented storage functionality!

If you're actually going to end up using this for something fairly active -- and don't wanna overload/overtrust http://myjson.com, you can feel free to self-host an API that follows their specifications exactly, and then specify that you've done so by using it like:

var yourController = Botkit.slackbot({
  storage: require('botkit_myjson_storage')({
    endpoint: 'http://api.mycustomendpoint.com',
    bin_id: 'THE_BIN_ID'


Pull requests welcome! Just make sure it passes the tests prescribed by Botkit by running npm run test or yarn run test.