
This code was written as a part of my major project on the topic of Swarmalators.

Primary LanguagePython

Shows an illustrated sun in light mode and a moon with stars in dark mode. Shows an illustrated sun in light mode and a moon with stars in dark mode.

You can access the online simulation of the same model from here. The model is taken from the paper: Swarmalators with competitive time-varying phase interactions [Gourab K Sar et al].

Just note

  1. You need to install the following packages first:
  • numba
  • tqdm
  • scipy
  1. The programs are interdependant, so they should be placed in the same folder.
  2. You can run main.py for plotting and animating data, and scan_parameter.py to scan parameters.
  3. The files will be named according to their parameters itself, so it is easy for you to find them.
  4. Thats it, enjoy!

Sample plots

J=0 90_ea=0 00_er=0 00_r=0 00

Sample animations


Pseudocode for generate_Data.py

define generate_data(parameters):
    if data for parameters was already generated:
        return already generated data

    Initialise x to N random numbers in [-2,2]
    Initialise theta to N random numbers in [-pi,pi]
    Pack x and theta together into a variable X
    n=1000  # number of iterations
    h=0.01  # step size for RK-4th order method

    # perform Rk-4th order integration
    Iterate n times:
        append this new X to history variable

return the history variable

# dynamical equations of model
define df(X):
    unpack X into x and theta
    initialise x_dot and sigma_dot to zero
    loop i from 0 to N:
        S_x,S_sigma_a,S_sigma_r=0 # initialise summations to zero
        loop j from 0 to N:
            if i same as j:
                skip this loop
                S_x=S_x+((1+J cos(thetaij))/|xij| -1/|xij|^2)
                if agent j is inside vision radius of agent i
    pack x_dot and sigma_dot into X_dot
    return X_dot