
Machine learning course materials.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Notable Changes from 2017 to 2018

  • New module on back propagation.
  • Added a note on conditional expectations, since many students find the notation confusing.
  • Added a note on the correlated features theorem for elastic net, which was basically a translation of Zou and Hastie's 2005 paper "Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net." into the notation of our class, dropping an unnecessary centering condition, and using a more standard definition of correlation.
  • Changes to EM Algorithm presentation: Added several diagrams (slides 10-14) to give the general idea of a variational method, and made explicit that the marginal log-likelihood is exactly the pointwise supremum over the variational lower bounds (slides 31 and 32)).
  • New worked example for predicting Poisson distributions with linear and gradient boosting models.

Notable Changes from 2016 to 2017

  • New lecture on principal component analysis (Brett)
  • Added slide on k-means++ (Brett)
  • Added slides on explicit feature vector for 1-dim RBF kernel
  • Created notebook to regenerate the buggy lasso/elastic net plots from Hastie's book (Vlad)
  • L2 constraint for linear models gives Lipschitz continuity of prediction function (Thanks to Brian Dalessandro for pointing this out to me).
  • Expanded discussion of L1/L2/ElasticNet with correlated random variables (Thanks Brett for the figures)

Notable Changes from 2015 to 2016

Possible Future Topics

  • Quantile Regression (as part of loss functions homework or Notes); conditional prediction intervals more generally
  • Gaussian processes
  • Active learning
  • Collaborative filtering / matrix factorization
  • Learning to rank and associated concepts
  • Simulation methods and more variational methods for probabilistic modeling
  • Reinforcement learning (minimal path to REINFORCE)
  • More depth on basic neural network stuff: weight initialization, vanishing / exploding gradient, possibly batch normalization
  • Density ratio estimation -- Ginsu knife of ML? (for covariate shift, anomaly detection, conditional probability modeling)
  • Bandits
    • Importance weights / learning from logged data?
  • Something about causality?
  • Generalized additive models for interpretable nonlinear fits (smoothing way, basis function way, and gradient boosting way)
  • Finish up 'structured prediction' with beam search / Viterbi
    • give probabilistic analogue with MEMM's/CRF's
  • Black box Feature importance measures
  • Naive Bayes vs Logistic Regression (Jordan & Ng, plus new experiments including regularization)

Citation Information

Creative Commons License
Machine Learning Course Materials by Various Authors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The author of each document in this repository is considered the license holder for that document.