
Shell (and Groovy) scripts for controlling a 'vanilla' Minecraft server

Primary LanguageGroovy

These scripts were written for OSX but may be portable to Linux

eventtail.gsh is a Groovy script and requires Java/Groovy to be installed on the system


Clone this repo into a bin folder inside your minecraft server folder:

git clone https://... bin

Now from your minecraft server folder you can run commands like:

bin/mc.sh start
bin/mc.sh stop
bin/mc.sh taillog
bin/mc.sh send say yo

See library.sh for a complete list of available functions to call.


The eventtail.gsh script is an example Groovy script that can read Minecraft's nbt data file format (for both world/level.dat and the world/playerdata files), as well as send commands to Minecraft using the screen command (assuming Minecraft was started using the mc.sh script).


The loop.sh script is an example usage of both the library.sh and the eventtail.gsh to generate a new world every 3 hours, but carry a player's inventory forward from world to world.


  1. Groovy: http://www.groovy-lang.org/documentation.html
  2. Java NBT library: https://github.com/flow/nbt
  3. screen: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/screen.1.html
  4. bash libraries: https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Shell_functions_library
  5. Minecraft commands: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands