AutoPas is a node-level auto-tuned particle simulation library developed in the context of the TaLPas project.
The documentation can be found at our website:
Alternatively you can build the documentation on your own:
- requirements: Doxygen
make doc_doxygen
- cmake 3.14 or newer
- make (build-essentials) or ninja
- a c++17 compiler (gcc7, clang8 and icpc 2019 are tested)
Building AutoPas
build instructions for make:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
if you want to use another compiler, specify it at the first cmake call, e.g.:
mkdir build
cd build
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ..
if you would like to use ninja instead of make:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..
Building AutoPas on a Cluster
HPC clusters often use module systems. CMake is sometimes not able to correctly detect the compiler you wished to use. If a wrong compiler is found please specify the compiler explicitly, e.g. for gcc:
mkdir build
cd build
CC=`which gcc` CXX=`which g++` cmake ..
Running Tests
to run tests:
make test
# or
ninja test
or using the ctest environment:
to get verbose output:
ctest --verbose
How to run specific tests
use the --gtest_filter variable:
./tests/testAutopas/runTests --gtest_filter=ArrayMathTest.testAdd*
or use the GTEST_FILTER environment variable:
GTEST_FILTER="ArrayMathTest.testAdd*" ctest --verbose
or ctest
arguments like -R
(run tests matching regex) and -E
(exclude tests matching regex)
ctest -R 'Array.*testAdd' -E 'Double'
Debugging Tests
Find out the command to start your desired test with -N
aka. --show-only
ctest -R 'Array.*testAdd' -N
Start the test with gdb
gdb --args ${TestCommand}
As AutoPas is only a library for particle simulations it itself is not able to run simulations. We have, however, included a variety of examples in the examples directory. The examples include:
- Molecular dynamics simulations with 1 centered Lennard-Jones particles.
- Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations
- Gravity simulations
Using AutoPas
Steps to using AutoPas in your particle simulation program:
Defining a Custom Particle Class
First you will need to define a particle class.
For that we provide some basic Particle classes defined
in src/particles/
that you can use either directly
or you can write your own Particle class by inheriting from
one of the provided classes.
class SPHParticle : public autopas::Particle {
Once you have defined your particle you can start with functors;
Iterating Through Particles
Iterators to iterate over particle are provided.
The particle can be accesses using iter->
is also possible).
When created inside a OpenMP parallel region, work is automatically spread over all iterators.
#pragma omp parallel
for(auto iter = autoPas.begin(); iter.isValid(); ++iter) {
// user code:
auto position = iter->getR();
Simulation Loop
One simulation loop should always consist of the following phases:
Updating the Container, which returns a vector of all invalid == leaving particles!
auto invalidParticles = autoPas.updateContainer();
Handling the leaving particles
Apply boundary conditions on them
Potentially send them to other mpi-processes, skip this if MPI is not needed
Add them to the containers using
Handle halo particles:
Identify the halo particles by use of AutoPas' iterators and send them in a similar way as the leaving particles.
Add the particles as haloParticles using
Perform an iteratePairwise step.
In some iterations step 1. will return an empty list of invalid particles to benefit of not rebuilding the containers and the associated neighbor lists.
Using multiple functors
AutoPas is able to work with simulation setups using multiple functors that describe different forces. A good demonstration for that is the sph example found under examples/sph or examples/sph-mpi. There exist some things you have to be careful about when using multiple functors:
If you use multiple functors it is necessary that all functors support the same newton3 options. If there is one functor not supporting newton3, you have to disable newton3 support for AutoPas by calling
If you have
functors within one iteration and update the particle position only at the end or start of the iteration, the rebuildFrequency and the samplingRate have to be a multiple ofn
Inserting additional particles
Before inserting additional particles (e.g. through a grand-canonical thermostat ), you always have to enforce a containerUpdate on ALL AutoPas instances, i.e., on all mpi processes, by calling
This will invalidate the internal neighbor lists and containers.
Developing AutoPas
Please look at our contribution guidelines.
Papers to cite
- TODO: Add papers