nebius-instance-upper :: rolling restart controller for a set of preemptible instances in nebius-cloud

What is the app intended for

nebius-instance-upper continuously checks your preemptible instances in nebius cloud and immediately start them up in case of shutdown by preemptible-instances-controller of the cloud.

Also, in order to prevent unexpected service disruptions, the app performs a rolling instance restart precedure on a daily basis:

  • gracefully drains node in a node group through a configurable command (either if it detect that is running on the node to be restarted or alwaysNodeDrain option is set)
  • run a configurable pre-stop script and wait for completion
  • performs stop-wait-start-wait power cycle that allows the cloud scheduler to migrate the instance to a different server and thus prevents unexpected shutdown by preemtible-instance-controller
  • run a configurable post-start script which can do whatever you want, revert the draining for example.
  • goes to the next node in the group (if any)


See details in the source.

Helm chart

Is also available.