
Fuzzy testing packaage in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Function builder - based system to enable domain testing, either randomly or sequentially.

Under Apache2 license.


Include the package in your dependencies in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    // ...
    .package(url: "https://github.com/krugazor/FuzzyTests", from: "0.1.0")

Then add it to your test target:

    name: "DomainTestExampleTests",
    dependencies: ["DomainTestExample", "FuzzyTests"])

Then you can use it in your test classes:

import XCTest
import FuzzyTests
import HoledRange

@testable import DomainTestExample

final class DomainTestExampleTests: XCTestCase {
    func testExample() {
        // This is an example of a functional test case.
        // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct
        // results.
        DomainTests<String> {
            Test { (s: String) in
                XCTAssertNotEqual("Hello there", s)

    static var allTests = [
        ("testExample", testExample),


The random (or full) tests are built using function builders that take at least 2 parameters: the domain and one function to test. Optionally, the function buider can use an int to represent the number of samples to take from the domain.

Each test has exactly one variable that moves across the domain, thus necessitating a specific type.

Finally, you can call random() to test randomly across the domain, and if the type is Strideable (that is can be used in a for loop, more or less), you can test with every value in the domain.

Example: testing A+B (plus function)

Here's a silly example.

Let's imagine I have a function that is defined like this:

func myPlus(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int

I want to test that myPlus(x,y) is equal to x+y because I don't trust the implementation, which I can't see. Let's build the tests:

DomainTests<Int> {
    Test { (a: Int) in
        XCTAssert(myPlus(a, 1) == a+1, "Problem with value\(a)")
        XCTAssert(myPlus(1, a) == a+1, "Problem with value\(a)")
    Test { (a: Int) in
        let random = Int.random(in: -10000...10000)
        XCTAssert(myPlus(a, random) == a+random, "Problem with value\(a)")
        XCTAssert(myPlus(random, a) == a+random, "Problem with value\(a)")

This will test that myPlus is somewhat consistent across the board. Of course, it doesn't test everything, just the bits I care about (reflexivity and some random ranges).

Because Int is Strideable, I can test the whole range, rather than a random sampling:

DomainTests<Int> {
    Test { (a: Int) in
        XCTAssert(myPlus(a, 1) == a+1, "Problem with value\(a)")
        XCTAssert(myPlus(1, a) == a+1, "Problem with value\(a)")
    Test { (a: Int) in
        let random = Int.random(in: -10000...10000)
        XCTAssert(myPlus(a, random) == a+random, "Problem with value\(a)")
        XCTAssert(myPlus(random, a) == a+random, "Problem with value\(a)")

PR(S) Accepted!

Please check that swift run FTLint, swift test, and swift run FTDocs don't return anything untoward beforehand