
toy project to check how to use web-services written in java - generate some form for user input, based on it create xml request that send to web-service

Primary LanguageJava


USAGE: - copy files: Names.txt, ZipCodes.csv in root of C. - Deploy web-service for tomcat: - If Tomcat is running, stop/kill it. - Go to the tomcat installation folder . - In , delete the temp and work folders. They only contain temporary files. - Copy war file in /deploy or in /webapps folder. - Start your tomcat. - Point your browser to: http://localhost:8080/Lead_Score_Engine - input test params in html form and push submit button - generated adf-like xml post request will be forwarded to web service http://localhost:8080/Lead_Score_Engine/LeadScore - it will parse xml-request and create ADF class (all checks will apply in constructor) - call method of ADF object to get calculated weight - wrap weight for ADF in XML response - tested with Tomcat 7.0 & Win7 x64

Side effect: Work only in debug mode. Generate debug files: C://output.xml - sample of xml request generated by engine based on user input C://result.xml - returned response in xml format During startup it once load and parse Names.txt, ZipCodes.csv