
Implementation of iterative repair algorithms for big size boards (tested up to 100,000) with optional condition that no three queen lays on the same line.

Primary LanguageJava


  • Java 8 or later
  • gradle 4.10 or later

How to build

gradle build

It will create jar nqueens-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file under folder build/libs/

How to run

sh start.sh <board_size> [<mode>] [<force_print>]


  • board_size - is integer within 8-1000000 range.
  • mode - boolean flag to specify whether to apply three in line restriction or not, if not specified - will apply
  • force_print - boolean flag to specify whether to print resulting board in cases when board_size is big First found board will be printed in case board size less then 1000.

NOTE: for classical n-queen problem (no three in line restriction) you can specify board size 4-1000000
NOTE: In case restriction is active, acceptable board size: 4, [8, 30+] Few timings for orientation:

time sh start.sh 100000 false

real	9m45.001s
user	9m20.165s
sys	0m3.579s

time sh start.sh 30
real	1m38.018s
user	1m44.359s
sys	0m0.730s  

NOTE: If force_print flag is set and size of input is more than 1000 size - output may be time consuming.

Approach overview

Initial idea based on iterative repair algorithm i.e. set all queens on the board and iteratively minimise penalty factor: i.e. number of queens on the same line of board. Detailed description can be found at following paper: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for the N-Queens Problem As soon as we find permutation that do not have any queens clash - we apply point grouping or counting to group lines based on line equation y = Ax + B, grouping A and B to keys for accumulating points related to that line.