Scan Inventory for Mail Attachments
This tool is still under development, so you might missing or looking at incomplete commands. If you find any bugs, please report them.
- Check out this repository to /opt/sima/
- Create database, user and schema:
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE sima;"
mysql -e "CREATE USER 'sima'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_secret_password';"
mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sima.* TO 'sima'@'localhost';"
mysql -u sima -psome_secret_password -d sima < /opt/sima/database/schema.sql
- Configure application:
vi /opt/sima/config/database.yml
vi /opt/sima/config/mail.yml
vi /opt/sima/config/avtotal.yml
vi /opt/sima/config/base.yml
- Configure Amavis:
For Ubuntu, edit /etc/amavis/conf.d/15-av_scanners and add:
@av_scanners = (
### SIMA / Scan Inventory for Mail Attachments
['SIMA', ['/opt/sima/bin/sima'],
'scan {}', [0], qr/Found bad hash/m, qr/Found bad hash (.+) in/m ],
This will ONLY start to collect information. If you change the 'scan {}' into 'scan -f {}' the filter policy will be applied. Do not enable filtering unless you have testing correct working of the system FIRST.
- Create central API to exchange hash information (replace AVTotal API)
- Exchange hashes with mail vendors to build a large database
- Create filtering and policy builder