
A GUI tool for easier managment of student attendance within a single shadow assignment of ReCodEx system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Attendance Manager for ReCodEx

A GUI tool for easier management of student attendance within a single shadow assignment of ReCodEx system.

The objective is to collect attendance records for students in labs. The records are encoded into a single shadow assignment in ReCodEx. The assigned points represent the sum of points for the whole attendance. Individual records are encoded into note property of the shadow assignment. Individual records are encoded as tokens separated by ;. Tokens have the following meaning:

  • _ -- absence
  • 1 -- regular attendance (i.e. +1 point)
  • 0 -- present, but not responding (i.e., +1 point -1 penalty = 0 points)
  • 2 -- present and bonus for activity (+1 point +1 bonus = 2 points total)


  • Python 3.6+
  • See requirements.txt


  1. clone the repository
  2. install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt in the root directory of the repository

Note that tkinter Python package is required, but this should be part of your Python installation already.


  1. You need to log in via ReCodEx-CLI.
  2. Set up a configuration file. It is pretty simple, you need to write in a UUID of shadow assignment in ReCodEx that will collect the points and a list of dates where the lectures/seminars occurred.
  3. Execute the app python ./attendance_mgr.py ./your-config.yaml

That's it!

The GUI will appear allow you to modify the attendance records. Cancel button will terminate the application, OK button will save the records and then terminate.