piTracer - Automatic reconstruction of molecular cascades for the identification of synergistic drug targets

The piTracer framework reconstructs molecular cascades between two genes, two metabolites, or a gene and a metabolite based on an underlying multi-omics pathway network. Its drug ranking functionality can identify synthetic lethal candidates based on a differential metabolomics experiment after single agent treatment.


Gomari D, Achkar I, Benedetti E, Tabling J, Halama A, Krumsiek J. "piTracer - Automatic reconstruction of molecular cascades for the identification of synergistic drug targets". biorXiv [link]

Hosted app

A hosted version of the Shiny app version of piTracer is can be found here.

Code repository

Clone this repository to your local machine

git clone https://github.com/krumsieklab/piTracer.git

Package setup

piTracer was tested on R 4.2.1 with the corresponding latest packages as of early 2023. We recommend using the package versions stored using renv. To set this up, open the piTracer project file piTracer.proj in RStudio, and run:


Precalculated data

The app requires the precalculated binary files from the precalculated_data folder to run. To clone those files as part of the repository, you need to have git-lfs set up. If you don't have access to git-lfs, you will need to download the files manually.

Running the Shiny app locally

Run run_piTracer.R or excute to launch the Shiny app in your local browser.

Code version of gene ranking algorithm

The script /src/gene_ranking/execute_generanking.R runs the ranking algorithms programmatically based on an input spreadsheet.

Source code overview

Folder Description
src/global.R used by various scripts to set up the tracing engine, Shiny app modules, and precalculated data files
src/gene_ranking/ contains the drug combination prediction functionality
src/shiny_app/ contains UI and server modules of the Shiny app
src/tracing/ contains scripts that run the core tracing steps