
Welcome to the To-Do App Project! This project is a simple web-based to-do list application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a straightforward way to manage tasks, mark them as done, and remove them when completed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

To-Do App Project


Welcome to the To-Do App Project! This project is a simple web-based to-do list application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a straightforward way to manage tasks, mark them as done, and remove them when completed.

To-Do App Screenshot

Project Overview

The To-Do App Project consists of the following key components:

1. HTML Structure

The HTML file (index.html) defines the structure of the application:

  • It includes a title, description, and an input field for adding new tasks.
  • A list displays the tasks, and each task can be marked as done or removed.

2. CSS Styling

The CSS stylesheet (todo.css) provides the visual styling for the application:

  • It defines the layout, colors, fonts, and button styles.
  • Tasks can be marked with a line-through when completed.

3. JavaScript Functionality

The JavaScript code (todo.js) adds interactivity to the to-do list:

  • It allows users to add tasks by clicking the "Add" button or pressing Enter.
  • Double-clicking a task removes it from the list.
  • Clicking a task marks it as done with a red line-through.
  • The "Delete All" button clears all tasks and refreshes the page.

How to Use

To use the To-Do App:

  1. Enter a task in the input field.
  2. Click the "Add" button or press Enter to add the task to the list.
  3. Double-click a task to remove it.
  4. Click a task to mark it as done with a red line-through.
  5. Click the "Delete All" button to clear all tasks and start fresh.

Future Enhancements

The To-Do App can be enhanced with additional features:

  • Task categories or labels.
  • Task due dates and deadlines.
  • User authentication for saving tasks across sessions.
  • Improved mobile responsiveness and accessibility.


The To-Do App Project is a practical example of web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It serves as a starting point for creating more advanced to-do list applications and demonstrates basic interactive web functionality.

Feel free to explore the code, modify it, or use it as a learning resource for your web development journey. Stay organized and keep track of your tasks with ease!

Live Project: Live Project on GitHub

Project Repository: To-Do App Project on GitHub