
Stack based interpreted programming language

Primary LanguageC#


Stack based interpreted programming language

Fortuo Word List

In Fortuo a command is called a word. Several commands inside curly brackets are called WordSets. Comments start with % and span for the rest of the line.

Reset / Clear Operations

Name Consumes Result Description
clear - - Resets the interpreter. Clears stack, dictionary.
delstack - - Deletes the contents of the stack.
deldict - - Deletes the contents of the global dictionary.
ccon - - Clears the console.


Name Consumes Result Description
. object - Pops the top object of the stack and prints it to the output.
h Int - Prints integer in hex format (base 16).
pstack - - Prints the stack to the standard output.
pdict - - Prints the global dictionary to the output.
cr - - Writes \r\n to the standard output.

Integer Manipulation

Name Consumes Result Description
+ Int, Int Int Addition a + b
- Int, Int Int Subtraction a - b
* Int, Int Int Multiplication a * b
/ Int, Int Int Integer Division a / b
mod Int, Int Int Remainder of Integer Division a % b

Stack Manipulation

Name Consumes Result Description
dup - - Duplicates the top object of the stack.
swap - - Exchanges the 2 top objects of the stack.
drop object - Removes the top item from the stack.


Name Consumes Result Description
/<name> - NameDef Pushes a NameDef object (Value = <name>) on the stack.
def NameDef, object - Adds a entry to the global dictionary, which associates the object with the Name specified by the NameDef object.
undef NameDef - Removes a entry from the global dictionary.


Name Consumes Result Description
{ - StartSet Pushes a StartSet object on the stack and starts recording a wordset.
} objects WordSet Ends recording a wordset and pushes the resulting WordSet object on the stack.


Name Consumes Result Description
true, false - Bool Pushes bool on the stack.
Integer - Int Pushes an integer on the stack.
"string" - String Strings are enclosed by quotes. When pushing on the stack, the quotes are removed.

Integer Comparison

Name Consumes Result Description
neg Int Int Changes the sign. a = -a
= Int, Int Bool equal a == b
> Int, Int Bool greater than a > b
< Int, Int Bool less than a < b

Bool Comparison

Name Consumes Result Description
not Bool Bool Inverts value. a = !a
and Bool, Bool Bool logical and a && b
or Bool, Bool Bool logical or a || b

Flow Control

Name Consumes Result Description
if Bool, WordSet - Executes the Wordset if Bool on the stack is true.
ifelse Bool, WordSet, WordSet - Executes the first WordSet if the Bool on the stack is true, the seconds, if the Bool is false.


Name Consumes Result Description
exec String - Executes the file, specified by the String.


Name Consumes Result Description
linein - String Reads a line from the standard input and pushes it to the stack.

String Manipulation

Name Consumes Result Description
len String Int Pushes the length of the top string on the stack.
concat String, String String Pops 2 strings from the stack, concatenates them and pushes the result on the stack.
comp String, String Bool Compares 2 strings.
trim String String Removes all leading or trailing spaces.
getchar String, Int Int Pushes the value of the character at the specified index of the string to the stack.
substr String, Int, Int String Pushes a substring of the given string on the stack. Integer on top of stack is length, seconds integer is the startindex.


Name Consumes Result Description
repeat Int, WordSet - Executes the Wordset a given number of times.
while Bool, WordSet - Executes a Wordset as long as Bool on top of stack is true.


Name Consumes Result Description
tostr Int or Bool String Converts an Int or Bool to a String.
tobool Int Bool Converts an Int to a Bool. Result is true if integer is non-zero.


Name Consumes Result Description
list - List Pushes an empty list on the stack.
count List List, Int Pushes the count of objects in list to the stack.
add List, Object List Adds an object to the list.
get List, Int List, Object Pushes the object of list at given index to the stack.
set List, Object, Int List Sets the object at a given index.
remove List, Int List Removes object at given index from list.
[ - StartList Pushes a StartList object to the stack and starts recording a list.
] objects List Ends recording a list and pushes the resulting list to the stack.