
A tool to analyze and compare software repositories:

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RepoGrams is a web-tool that allows users to analyze and compare the history of multiple software projects. It computes and visualizes a variety of metrics over time, such as the number of programming languages used in a project over time or how often developers change code across different modules (directories).

RepoGrams supports researchers in the software engineering community by comparing and contrasting source code repositories of multiple software projects and helps them in selecting appropriate evaluation targets for their studies.


RepoGrams runs inside a docker image. After cloning the repository, run ./build.sh) in a shell to locally build the image. Use ./run.sh [port-number] (defaults to 1234) and ./stop.sh to start/stop the application.

Build options

The following are optional additions to RepoGrams.

Example sets

You can add example states (pre-configured sets of repositories and corresponding metrics) to your deployment. Add a file called example-states.js to the build/ directory before building the docker image.

See the file examples/example-states.js for an example of an examples set file.


RepoGrams only supports cloning HTTP and HTTPS repositories, however many websites, such as GitHub, support basic HTTPS authentication. You can add support for specific websites by adding a credentials file to the build/ directory before building the docker image. The content of the file should be one credential per line, where each line takes the form:


GitHub supports app-specific tokens that can be used in lieu of the password.

Extra footer

You can add extra HTML to the footer of the page by adding it to build/extra-footer.html. This can enable adding scripts such as web analytics.

Pre-cache repositories

You can cache a large number of git repositories on the server side by running ./precache.sh [domain-name] [file-with-list-of-repository-urls] where the latter is a text file with one git repository URL per line. This command will load all the repositories into the running docker image's memory. As long as these repositories do not change, they will be served from cache when called in the web application.


Developing inside a docker image is inconvenient. A more convenient way to develop is to deploy RepoGrams locally on your machine.

Start by installing the following packages on your machine. We list the minimum version that works on our development environments. Older versions might still work. If they worked for you please let us know so we can update this list.

In various Linux distributions you may be able to install most (if not all) of these packages using the distro package manager, e.g., sudo apt-get install <package-name> in Debian/Ubuntu. However, if you do so pay careful attention to the versions of the libraries installed, as your Linux distribution's package manager might only contain older versions, in which case you will have to manually install a newer version. Please create an issue or pull request if you believe we forgot to list a dependency.

Create and activate a virtualenv based on Python 2.7.x. Once activated install the requirements.txt inside the virtualenv using pip: pip install -r conf/requirements.txt

Some users reported difficulty installing using the above command line, but managed to install the packages by running pip install <line-from-requirements.txt>, where <line-from-requirements.txt> is each line of requirements.txt one by one.

Copy the python-graph-tool library from the distribution-wide lib directory to the virtualenv. Unfortunately graph-tool is not available on pip. cp -r /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graph_tool /path/to/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ (the paths on your system might vary)

Run the application with python app/serve.py development (the environment variable PYTHONPATH should be set to the current directory. e.g., PYTHONPATH=. python app/serve.py development.) Point your browser to http://localhost:8090/.

Adding metrics

To add a new metric you will have to:

  • Create the computation / server-side (Python) file inside app/metrics/. Start by copying _examples.py and modifying it.
  • Create the presentation / client-side (JavaScript) file inside app/metrics/. Start by copying _examples.js and modifying it.
  • Modify the app/metrics/__init__.py file to register your module. Make sure that you import the metric, not the module containing the metric.


RepoGrams is released under the GPL.