
A discord bot to delete all channels , roles , custom emojis and ban all members from a discord server. In short raiding a server.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A discord bot to delete all channels , roles , custom emojis and ban all members from a discord server. In short raiding a server.


This is for educational purposes only. Use this only if you have the consent of the server owner. I am not responsible for any damage done by this bot.


  • Make sure you have Python and Git

  • Create a new app on the Developer Portal

  • Make sure to enable the Members intent on the portal

  • Download repo using git clone https://github.com/kry0sc0pic/Raider.git

  • Open the raider folder

  • Open the config.json file

  • Copy and paste the code block and fill in necessary details

    • TOKEN bot token from the developer page
    • TRIGGER Trigger word to initiate deletion
    • INVITE_LINK Invite link for the bot with required permissions integer , used to invite bot to the server to be deleted
    • BAN_MESSAGE Message used as reason for ban
    • NEW_NAME Name the server name has to be edited to be
    • IMAGE_PATH Path to the new server icon you want

Install Dependencies

With virtual environment

  • Install virtualenv module pip install virtualenv (only required for using virtual environments)
  • Create a new virtual environment with virtualenv venv (optional)
  • Activate with .\venv\Scripts\activate for windows
  • Activate with source ./venv/bin/activate for macOS and linux
  • Follow Steps for w/o env

Without virtual environment

  • Install dependecies with pip install -r requirements.txt or pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the bot using python bot.py or python3 bot.py

Use the bot

  • Invite the bot to the server with the invite link printed out in the console. Note: This requires you to have the Manage Server permissions on the server

  • Grant all permissions the bot requires or else some operations of the bot may fail

  • Find the role for your bot (same as bot username) in Server Settings >> Roles

  • Move it up to the highest possible position in the role hiearchy

  • Give any other necessary roles to the bot to view channels etc.

  • Wait for you or anyone else to type the trigger message in any of the channels and let the bot do its work

Deploying to Heroku

  • Only use this if you want your bot to be online at all times
  • In the project folder create a Procfile without any file extensions or use the one included
  • Open the file and copy the following text: worker: python bot.py and paste it in.
  • Create a new application on Heroku and follow the steps on the deploy tab.
