
Checks the CVE database for any macOS Vulnerabilities

Primary LanguagePython


Checks the CVE database for any macOS Vulnerabilities

Run the command with no $1 and it will return empty braces if no vulnerabilities are found. For example:

cvemacoscheck.py 10.13.6

Will result in:


Supplying no $1 will result in checking the current operating system and outputing information about the OS version the tool is run on.


Checks the CVE database for any iTunes Vulnerabilities

Run the command with no $1 and it will return empty braces if no vulnerabilities are found. For example:

cveitunescheck.py 12.0

Will result in:


Supplying no $1 will result in checking the current iTunes version and outputing information about the version currently installed on the system the tool is run on.