
A Stablecoin backed by XDC and utilizes the potential of the XDC Network.

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

xDAI Stablecoin

This is inspired by MakerDAO Dai Stablecoin System. A Stablecoin backed by XDC and utilizes the potential of the XDC Network.

DAI crypto is crypto-collateralized because it’s backed by XDC. The ratio in which DAI converts to XDC varies, though it’s usually hovering around 1.5 XDC to 1 DAI.

Allow users interact with the system to

  • Open Vaults (formerly CDPs collateralized debt positions)
  • Borrow DAI by locking XDC as collateral
  • Payback DAI and unlock collateral



Blockscan contract addresses


Open vaults and borrow DAI


Payback DAI



  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • nixos
  • dapptools
  • mcd


  • install python

    sudo apt install python3-pip
  • install nixos

    curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
    . "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh"
  • install dapp tool

    curl https://dapp.tools/install | sh
  • install mcd

    sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makerdao/mcd-cli/master/install.sh | sh


  • Import deployer account
rm ~/keys/deployer/*
export ETH_KEYSTORE=~/keys/deployer
export ETH_PASSWORD=/dev/null
ethsign import 

1. Deploy WXDC

cd ds-weth
dapp --use solc:0.5.17 build
source ../xdc-scripts/apothem.setup-env.sh
dapp create WXDC

2. Deploy XDC Price Feed

cd dss
export xdcPrice=0.02
export PIP=$(dapp create DSValue)
seth send $PIP 'poke(bytes32)' $(seth --to-uint256 "$(seth --to-wei $xdcPrice ETH)")

3. Deploy dss using dss-deploy-scripts

  • Configure WXDC and PIP to apothem.json
  • Configure environment variables in ./xdc-scripts/apothem.setup-env.sh
  • Deploy dss
    cd dss-deploy-scripts
    export PATH="$PATH:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin"
    nix-shell --pure
    source ../xdc-scripts/apothem.setup-env.sh
    dss-deploy apothem

Interacting with Maker Protocol contracts

Setup environment

Configure environment variables in ./xdc-scripts/apothem.setup-env.sh


export SETH_CHAIN=
export ETH_KEYSTORE=~/keys/deployer
export ETH_PASSWORD=/dev/null
export ETH_FROM=0xB568aa07085319B731369FeAF4a7da29F2C4c341
export ETH_RPC_URL=https://erpc.apothem.network/
export ETH_GAS=40000000

Open vault

cd xdc-scripts
source apothem.setup-env.sh
bash open-vault.sh

Pay back

cd xdc-scripts
source apothem.setup-env.sh
bash pay-back.sh

Deployed Contracts

All contracts are deployed to Apothem testnet and XDC mainnet at deployed-contracts.md



MIT License