
Plugin that integrates Scalate with PlayFramework

Primary LanguageScala


Plugin that integrates Scalate with PlayFramework

The plugin is divided in two parts:

"net.kindleit" %% "play2-scalate-compiler" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
"net.kindleit" %% "play2-scalate-plugin" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

The compiler adds sbt tasks to precompile scalate templates into Play! compatible template files, and the plugin exports the required TemplateEngine so that the compiled code can render properly (this is due to a current limitation in scalate with help we can make this plugin go away all together)

The plugin is published via OSS Sonatype to maven central.

To use the compiler, add the following lines to plugins.sbt (or the Build.scala):

addSbtPlugin("net.kindleit" %% "play2-scalate-compiler" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT")

And add

val project = play.Project(...).settings(ScalateSettings.scalateSettings)

to register the required source Generators.

For the plugin, add the following dependency in your Build.scala

val appDependencies = Seq(
  "net.kindleit" %% "play2-scalate-plugin" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

And register the plugin via conf/play.plugins


And your all set.

You can have the following infrastructure:



Happy hacking!