
Cross-Lingual Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models (arXiv preprint 2023)

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the data and codes for our paper "Cross-Lingual Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models".

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1. Overview

In this work, we explore the effect of source language editing on a different target language. For example, when we use English samples to edit a multi-lingual large language model, can the model reflect consistent behaviors when faced with a different target language?

2. Bi-ZsRE

Summary: Bi-ZsRE translates the editing samples of ZsRE from English into Chinese.

Detail: The orginal ZsRE dataset (Levy et al., 2017) is a Question Answering (QA) dataset whose queries require models to answer the questions based on the information within the queries. More recently, based on ZsRE, Yao et al. (2023) provide a test set with 1,037 samples for a more comprehensive evaluation of knowledge editing, where each test sample additionally contains a QA pair to assess LLMs’ portability to reason based on the edited fact. Here, we translate the ZsRE samples as well as the portability QA pairs provided by Yao et al. (2023), and follow the data splitting of Yao et al. (2023).

Resource: You can download Bi-ZsRE data from the share link. All files are described as follows:

  • zsre_mend_train_10000.json: The original ZsRE English training samples
  • zsre_mend_train_10000_chinese.json: The translated Chinese samples
  • zsre_mend_eval.json: The original ZsRE English dev samples
  • zsre_mend_eval_chinese.json: The translated Chinese samples.
  • bizsre_test.json: The original English samples as well as translated Chinese samples.

Among them, zsre_mend_train_10000.json, zsre_mend_eval.json and the English part of bizsre_test.json are originally provided by EasyEdit.

3. Codes

Our codes are based on EasyEdit, and slightly change some functions to adapt to the cross-lingual evaluation.

Before running the following codes, make sure to set MODEL PATH in the corresponding config files (every .yaml file in hparams folder).

3.1 ROME

Editing Chinese LLaMA with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=ROME --hparams_dir=hparams/ROME/llama-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en

Editing Chinese LLaMA with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=ROME --hparams_dir=hparams/ROME/llama-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh

Editing Chinese LLaMA2 with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=ROME --hparams_dir=hparams/ROME/llama2-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en --backbone chinese_llama2_7b

Editing Chinese LLaMA2 with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=ROME --hparams_dir=hparams/ROME/llama2-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh --backbone chinese_llama2_7b

Editing BaiChuan with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=ROME --hparams_dir=hparams/ROME/baichuan-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en --backbone baichuan7b

Editing BaiChuan with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=ROME --hparams_dir=hparams/ROME/baichuan-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh --backbone baichuan7b


Editing Chinese LLaMA with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=MEMIT --hparams_dir=hparams/MEMIT/llama-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en

Editing Chinese LLaMA with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=MEMIT --hparams_dir=hparams/MEMIT/llama-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh

Editing Chinese LLaMA2 with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=MEMIT --hparams_dir=hparams/MEMIT/llama2-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en --backbone chinese_llama2_7b

Editing Chinese LLaMA2 with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=MEMIT --hparams_dir=hparams/MEMIT/llama2-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh --backbone chinese_llama2_7b

Editing BaiChuan with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=MEMIT --hparams_dir=hparams/MEMIT/baichuan-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en --backbone baichuan7b

Editing BaiChuan with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=MEMIT --hparams_dir=hparams/MEMIT/baichuan-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh --backbone baichuan7b

3.3 KN

Editing Chinese LLaMA with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=KN --hparams_dir=hparams/KN/llama-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en

Editing Chinese LLaMA with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=KN --hparams_dir=hparams/KN/llama-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh

Editing Chinese LLaMA2 with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=KN --hparams_dir=hparams/KN/llama2-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en --backbone chinese_llama2_7b

Editing Chinese LLaMA2 with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=KN --hparams_dir=hparams/KN/llama2-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh --backbone chinese_llama2_7b

Editing BaiChuan with English samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=KN --hparams_dir=hparams/KN/baichuan-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang en --backbone baichuan7b

Editing BaiChuan with Chinese samples:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python run_bizsre.py --editing_method=KN --hparams_dir=hparams/KN/baichuan-7b --data_dir=data --source_lang zh --backbone baichuan7b

3.4 Others

ROME, MEMIT and KN are three locate-then-edit knowledge editing methods that do not need additional training. For other methods, you should first train the model with zsre_mend_train_10000.json or zsre_mend_train_10000_chinese.json, and then perform the model on the test set.

For the training codes, please refer to train.py.

4. Evaluation

4.1 How to Evaluate?

After running the codes, model results will be generated in the results/ folder in the format of {BACKBONE_NAME}_{METHOD_NAME}_{DIRECTION}_results.json.

  • BACKBONE_NAME: baichuan7b, cinese_llama7b or chinese_llama2_7b
  • DIRECTION: en_zh (the model is edited in English samples and test on all samples) or zh_en (the model is edited in Chinese samples and test on all)

For our evaluation code, please refer to evaluate.py:

from evaluate import calculate_metrics

(using results of English-edited BaiChuan-7B via ROME as an example)

4.2 Results

The following tables show our experimental results. Note that the results are slightly different from our paper V1 due to the data updating and bug fixing.

The results (F1/EM score) of using Chinese-LLaMA-7B as backbone:

Method Reli. Gene. (En) Gene. (Zh) Loca. (En) Loca. (Zh) Port. (En) Port. (Zh)
FT (En) 20.46 / 0.77 18.36 / 0.19 22.08 / 0.10 87.49 / 70.11 79.52 / 47.44 6.30 / 0.00 24.63 / 0.00
FT (Zh) 9.54 / 0.19 12.38 / 0.00 35.91 / 0.96 87.81 / 73.29 57.78 / 15.24 6.77 / 0.10 21.09 / 0.19
SERAC (En) 73.84 / 56.03 50.86 / 27.10 19.26 / 0.29 100.00 / 100.00 99.97 / 99.90 6.52 / 0.00 15.63 / 0.00
SERAC (Zh) 27.05 / 12.83 14.67 / 0.00 67.41 / 37.32 100.00 / 100.00 94.42 / 85.82 6.56 / 0.00 20.65 / 0.00
IKE (En) 99.90 / 99.90 99.24 / 98.36 92.95 / 69.72 62.79 / 36.26 36.16 / 6.75 50.86 / 17.84 33.84 / 4.24
IKE (Zh) 99.90 / 99.71 85.39 / 77.24 97.31 / 95.37 64.14 / 37.32 52.46 / 17.36 40.07 / 5.01 38.39 / 7.52
MEND (En) 37.57 / 2.22 33.24 / 1.35 17.08 / 0.00 88.96 / 74.25 91.75 / 75.89 6.56 / 0.10 16.91 / 0.00
MEND (Zh) 15.47 / 0.48 14.39 / 0.00 44.32 / 0.68 89.19 / 73.87 78.17 / 46.00 6.72 / 0.10 22.94 / 0.19
KN (En) 4.63 / 0.00 4.54 / 0.00 6.66 / 0.00 42.25 / 29.12 36.75 / 19.67 3.53 / 0.00 8.46 / 0.00
KN (Zh) 3.09 / 0.00 4.74 / 0.00 5.08 / 0.00 29.82 / 16.39 20.08 / 8.78 2.87 / 0.00 5.56 / 0.00
ROME (En) 98.98 / 97.20 94.58 / 87.85 26.65 / 6.75 92.49 / 81.49 89.08 / 67.60 8.48 / 0.00 17.07 / 0.00
ROME (Zh) 36.63 / 20.15 24.24 / 8.87 81.83 / 39.92 89.21 / 74.73 86.44 / 63.74 6.52 / 0.00 21.33 / 0.10
MEMIT (En) 96.19 / 92.48 90.66 / 81.97 28.26 / 6.75 98.31 / 94.70 97.31 / 91.51 8.27 / 0.00 17.96 / 0.00
MEMIT (Zh) 35.54 / 19.19 22.88 / 8.97 81.11 / 39.34 98.13 / 94.12 95.84 / 86.98 6.88 / 0.00 23.29 / 0.00

(Reli.: Reliability; Gene.: Generalization; Loca.: Locality; Port.: Portability)

The results (F1/EM score) of using Chinese-LLaMA2-7B as backbone:

Method Reli. Gene. (En) Gene. (Zh) Loca. (En) Loca. (Zh) Port. (En) Port. (Zh)
FT (En) 36.62 / 5.98 35.01 / 7.52 20.24 / 0.10 81.90 / 55.06 72.95 / 32.11 7.33 / 0.00 17.91 / 0.00
FT (Zh) 13.03 / 1.16 16.30 / 1.06 36.01 / 0.77 76.68 / 48.02 59.70 / 16.59 7.07 / 0.00 19.25 / 0.00
SERAC (En) 98.78 / 97.01 89.62 / 82.64 21.92 / 2.60 100.00 / 100.00 97.67 / 93.44 8.75 / 0.00 17.30 / 0.00
SERAC (Zh) 26.76 / 20.44 19.87 / 2.31 71.76 / 49.37 100.00 / 100.00 77.85 / 56.89 8.14 / 0.00 23.67 / 2.03
IKE (En) 100.00 / 100.00 99.69 / 99.32 92.28 / 77.72 56.35 / 30.76 41.59 / 4.63 45.72 / 11.76 37.04 / 4.82
IKE (Zh) 99.95 / 99.90 94.40 / 91.22 99.40 / 98.94 51.42 / 23.43 52.23 / 14.66 40.75 / 5.40 45.05 / 13.69
MEND (En) 56.57 / 0.00 49.33 / 0.00 20.66 / 0.00 95.46 / 86.79 95.25 / 86.21 7.62 / 0.00 17.34 / 0.00
MEND (Zh) 20.65 / 0.00 20.40 / 0.00 47.04 / 0.00 96.45 / 89.87 90.13 / 70.11 7.06 / 0.00 22.62 / 0.00
KN (En) 10.94 / 0.00 10.96 / 0.00 12.30 / 0.00 49.28 / 6.85 43.65 / 9.35 5.75 / 0.00 14.39 / 0.00
KN (Zh) 8.40 / 0.00 10.55 / 0.00 12.19 / 0.00 45.10 / 4.44 37.47 / 3.95 5.88 / 0.00 14.02 / 0.00
ROME (En) 77.65 / 67.98 72.27 / 55.06 23.27 / 3.28 93.67 / 81.58 95.55 / 84.96 7.48 / 0.10 17.88 / 0.00
ROME (Zh) 24.88 / 8.29 20.17 / 2.51 60.44 / 12.83 93.75 / 82.45 94.75 / 83.70 7.06 / 0.00 24.75 / 2.12
MEMIT (En) 83.01 / 74.64 77.63 / 61.43 23.91 / 3.95 98.45 / 95.37 98.13 / 93.54 8.08 / 0.10 17.22 / 0.00
MEMIT (Zh) 25.84 / 9.06 20.41 / 2.12 64.16 / 13.31 98.67 / 95.76 96.75 / 89.49 7.29 / 0.00 26.10 / 2.31

The results (F1/EM score) of using BaiChuan-7B as backbone:

Method Reli. Gene. (En) Gene. (Zh) Loca. (En) Loca. (Zh) Port. (En) Port. (Zh)
FT (En) 33.33 / 13.11 27.09 / 7.43 20.79 / 0.19 91.71 / 83.12 87.36 / 64.71 9.21 / 0.19 30.77 / 0.10
FT (Zh) 13.08 / 1.45 13.39 / 0.58 28.71 / 4.34 95.18 / 90.26 53.83 / 16.88 9.28 / 0.29 27.76 / 0.29
KN (En) 10.77 / 0.00 10.32 / 0.00 19.69 / 0.00 71.28 / 55.74 93.32 / 80.71 8.96 / 0.19 31.74 / 0.00
KN (Zh) 10.22 / 0.00 10.49 / 0.00 19.52 / 0.00 73.43 / 58.24 84.62 / 59.98 9.04 / 0.29 31.64 / 0.00
ROME (En) 68.97 / 52.36 60.45 / 42.53 24.45 / 1.45 98.31 / 96.43 98.71 / 95.85 9.65 / 0.29 31.61 / 0.19
ROME (Zh) 24.04 / 6.36 16.05 / 1.93 68.74 / 12.63 98.06 / 95.66 97.96 / 93.15 9.40 / 0.29 27.98 / 0.68
MEMIT (En) 71.20 / 54.97 66.47 / 49.66 26.19 / 2.51 98.60 / 96.72 98.82 / 95.56 9.43 / 0.10 30.53 / 0.29
MEMIT (Zh) 23.95 / 6.27 19.11 / 5.59 72.29 / 14.75 98.47 / 96.53 96.87 / 90.55 9.05 / 0.19 24.49 / 0.48



If you find this work is useful or use the data in your work, please consider cite our paper:

  title={Cross-Lingual Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models},
  author={Wang, Jiaan and Liang, Yunlong and Sun, Zengkui and Cao, Yuxuan and Xu, Jiarong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.08952},

We also recommend citing the vanilla ZsRE dataset and Yao et al. (2023):

    title = "Zero-Shot Relation Extraction via Reading Comprehension",
    author = "Levy, Omer  and
      Seo, Minjoon  and
      Choi, Eunsol  and
      Zettlemoyer, Luke",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning ({C}o{NLL} 2017)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2017",
    address = "Vancouver, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/K17-1034",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/K17-1034",
    pages = "333--342"

  title={Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities},
  author={Yao, Yunzhi and Wang, Peng and Tian, Bozhong and Cheng, Siyuan and Li, Zhoubo and Deng, Shumin and Chen, Huajun and Zhang, Ningyu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.13172},