
This is an AngularJS based app that fetches data from the Open Weather Map API to display the forecast and sea levels for cities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather App

This is an AngularJS based app that fetches data from the Open Weather Map API to display the forecast for 5 european cities. It also allows you to search for other cities in the world.

Running the Project

This project relies on a webserver to make requests to the Open Weather Map API, in order to retrieve the weather info. Because of that, it's not possible to open an html file in a browser and see the project.

⚠️ To see a live version of the app you can click on this link: http://krystalcampioni.com/weatherapp

Running the project locally

  • Open the terminal and clone this repository by typing:

$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:krystalcampioni/weatherapp.git

  • Enter the folder that was just created:

    $ cd weatherapp

  • Download and install Node using this link: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  • Install the dependencies by typing in the terminal:

    $ npm install

  • Start a local server:

    $ gulp start

  • Open http://localhost:8888/ in your browser 🚀

File structure

The source code is on the app folder. This project uses Gulp to run several tasks and outputs a final production ready version of the code to the dist folder.

  • app/ all html files are kept here

  • app/js You'll find an app.js file that declares the angular module, dependencies and routes. The controllers, directives, filters and services are kept in different files.

  • app/lib this project uses iso-3166-country-codes-angular to convert country codes fetched from the API into country Names. The lib folder is intended for external code libraries.

  • app/scss this project uses Sass as a css preprocessor and the BEM naming convention

    • app/scss/components this folder contains a file for each component or "block". Inside each component you'll find it's elements and modifiers, nested under the main class.
    • app/scss/base on this folder you'll find non-component related styles, like grid settings and variables
    • app/scss/main.scss use this file to import all other scss files, fonts and scss libraries

Weather Icons

Instead of using the default weather icons from Open Weather Map, I'm using weather-icons

Gulp Features