
Rust :crab: Google Cloud Run Demo

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Cloud Run Test with minimal Rust (actix) Demo Server

Server is based on actix and container with fully static binary release will be about 6,5 MB. It exposes 3 endpoints:

  • GET /
  • GET /again
  • POST /again


  • Docker
  • Rust
  • Google Cloud Project
  • gcloud CLI

How to build

  1. Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:krystianity/cloudrun_test.git
  2. Run ./build-musl-release.sh to build the static binary release
  3. Go into ./build-container.sh and replace ${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID} with your project's id. Run ./build-container.sh to build the container.

How to deploy to Google Cloud Run

Make sure to replace ${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID} with your project's id in these commands. And also update your local docker settings via gcloud auth configure-docker.

Please note that we are not naming the Cloud Run service cloudrun_test but actually cloudrun-test because Cloud Run does not allow the _ character for service names.

  1. Push to google cloud image registry docker push eu.gcr.io/${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID}/cloudrun_test
  2. Deploy image on cloud run gcloud beta run deploy cloudrun-test --allow-unauthenticated --image eu.gcr.io/${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID}/cloudrun_test --platform managed --project ${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID} --region europe-west1

Integration Tests with Github Actions

This demo also shows a way to run Rust integration tests with Github Actions. Take a look at .github/workflows/ci.yml for the workflow description and at tests/ to see how it works.

Run the tests via cargo test.