
A rewrite of christian-raedel/nightlife-rabbit to extend it with additional features

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


This is a rewrite of the Nightlife-Rabbit project with two goals: first, to translate it into Coffeescript (because I prefer CS to plain old Javascript), and second, to implement some of the advanced WAMP features (specifically authentication, which I need for a project I'm working on).

What's with the name?

The term wampeter comes from Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle. It is defined by the author as "an object around which the lives of many otherwise unrelated people may revolve."

Original README


A WAMP-Router implementation for node.js. At the moment, WAMP basic profile in the roles of dealer and broker are supported. For client connections: publish/subscribe and remote procedure register/call, AutobahnJS can be used.


npm install --save git+https://github.com/christian-raedel/nightlife-rabbit

Basic Usage

var http       = require('http')
    , CLogger  = require('node-clogger');

var nightlife  = require('nightlife')
    , autobahn = require('autobahn');

// Create a new router with given options. In this example, the options are the
// default values.
var router = nightlife.createRouter({
    httpServer: http.createServer(),                    // Nodes http or https server can be used.
                                                        // httpServer.listen() will be called from
                                                        // within router constructor.

    port: 3000,                                         // The url for client connections will be:
    path: '/nightlife',                                 // ws://localhost:3000/nightlife.

    autoCreateRealms: true,                             // If set to false, an exception will be thrown
                                                        // on connecting to a non-existent realm.

    logger: new CLogger({name: 'nightlife-router'})     // Must be an instance of 'node-clogger'.
                                                        // See http://github.com/christian-raedel/node-clogger
                                                        // for reference...

var client = new autobahn.Connection({
    url: 'ws://localhost:3000/nightlife',
    realm: 'com.example.myapp'

client.onopen = function (session) {
    // do pub/sub or some procedure calls...


Advanced Usage

Please see the examples directory of this repository.