
File and instruction for EOSIO Hackathon: Beyond Blockchain

Primary LanguageC++

Betnow Beyond Blockchain

File and instruction for EOSIO Hackathon: Beyond Blockchain

Folder content

  • Betnow contract: .abi and .wasm file compiled for betnow account
  • Betcontest contract: .abi and .wasm file compiled for betcontest account
  • Website: code for the website

Betnow contract

betstable: contains all the information related to a sigle bet

uint128_t superkey*             ->  concatenated (account name + event + forecast)
name account                    ->  better's account name
asset amount                    ->  amount without bonus
asset amountW                   ->  amount with bonus
uint64_t event                  ->  eventID
uint64_t forecast               ->  bet's forecast

index:  betsTable_index


eventstable: contains all the information related to a sigle event

uint64_t event*                 ->  eventID
time_point betStartTime         ->  event's starting time at GTM
time_point betEndTime           ->  event's starting time at GTM
std::string forecasts           ->  eventID possible forecasts separated by ":" (1:2:..:n)
std::string eventDescription    ->  event description "L.A. Lakers - Miami Heats"
uint64_t contestKey             ->  contestKey for betcontest contract
bool close                      ->  if true event is closed
uint64_t winnerF                ->  winnfer forecast, by default it is set to 9999
float reward                    ->  rewards per EOS, by default it is set to -9999
float bonus                     ->  max bonus amount (at time=betStartTime) expressed in %
float exitFee                   ->  min exit fee (at time=betStartTime) expressed in %
uint64_t betCounter             ->  counts all bets fot this event
name betLeader                  ->  user with the highest bet
asset maxBet                    ->  maxBet placed by betLeader

index   eventsTable_index

betsumtable: contains the sum of all bets for a specific forecast

uint64_t betkey*                ->  concatenated (event + forcast)
asset balanceW                  ->  sum of balances with bonus
asset balanceL                  ->  sum of balances without bonus
std::string result              ->  description of result "L.A. Lakers"

index:  betSumTable_index

userstable: contains all platform users

uint128_t superkey*             ->  concatenated (account name + contestKey)
name user                       ->  user
uint_64t userid                 ->  platform user registration number
uint64_t contestKey             ->  contest key
uint64_t betpoints = 0;         ->  user Bet Points balance

uint128_t primary_key() const { return superkey; }
uint64_t get_contestKey() const { return contestKey; }
uint64_t get_user() const { return user; }
uint64_t get_betpoints() const { return score; }

index:  usersTable_index


ACTIONS inside contract

  • placebet(name from, name to, asset quantity, std::string memo) cleos push action eosio.token transfer '["USER", "betnow", "1.0000 SYS", "placebet:EVENT|FORECAST_a:FORECAST_b|AMOUNT_a:AMOUNT_b"]' -p USER@active cleos push action eosio.token transfer '["bob", "betnow", "10.0000 SYS", "placebet:1|1:2|7.0000:3.0000"]' -p bob@active


-   Checks that symbol is global asset and that is an incoming TX
-   If it is a donation or amount is greater than minimumTrasaction sends greetings message and exits;
-   Checks that memo's format is correct, if not sends refund and error message;
-   Checks if User is registred, if not sends refund and error message;
  • beterase(name account, uint64_t event, uint64_t forecast) cleos push action betnow beterase '["USER", "event", "forecast"]' -p USER@active cleos push action betnow beterase '["bob", "1", "1"]' -p bob@active

  • eventclose(uint64_t event, bool close) cleos push action betnow eventclose '["EVENT","TRUE"]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betnow eventclose '["1",true]' -p betnow@active

  • eventcreate (uint64_t event, std::string eventCategory, std::string eventDescription, uint64_t contestKey, std::string contestDescription, std::string forecasts, std::string results, uint64_t betStart, uint64_t betEnd, float bonus, float exitFee, float winningFee)

    cleos push action betnow eventcreate '[0,"test event",1, "NBA", "0:1:2:3", "home:away:tie:none",1555783226972836,1555783346972836,.2,.5, 0.03]' -p betnow@active

  • rewardpull(uint64_t event, uint64_t winner, float fee, uint64_t userspertxs, bool sequence) cleos push action betnow rewardpull '[EVENT,WINNERFORECAST,FEE,USERSPERTXS,SEQUENCE]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betnow rewardpull '[1,2,0.01,10,true]' -p betnow@active

  • eventpay(uint64_t event, uint64_t usersToBePaid, bool sequence) cleos push action betnow eventpay '[EVENT,USERSTOBEPAID,SEQUENCE]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betnow eventpay '[1,10,true]' -p betnow@active

  • rewardclaim(name user, uint64_t event) cleos push action betnow rewardclaim '[EVENT,USERSTOBEPAID]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betnow rewardclaim '["bob",1]' -p bob@active

  • eventrefund(uint64_t event, uint64_t usersToBeRefunded) cleos push action betnow eventrefund '[EVENT,USERSTOBEREFUNDED]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betnow eventrefund '[1,10]' -p betnow@active

  • eventmigrate(uint64_t fromEvent, uint64_t toEvent, uint64_t usersToMigrate, float extraBonus, bool sequence) cleos push action betnow eventmigrate '[FROMEVENT,TOEVENT,USERSTOMIGRATE,BONUS,SEQUENCE]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betnow eventmigrate '[1,10,10,0.2,true]' -p betnow@active

  • signup(name account) cleos push action betnow signup '["USER"]' -p USER@active cleos push action betnow signup '["bob"]' -p bob@active

  • userdelete(name account) cleos push action betnow userdelete '["USER"]' -p USER@active cleos push action betnow userdelete '["bob"]' -p bob@active

  • notify(name account, string status, std::string msg) status = ERROR: || INFO || ""

Betcontest contract

betstable: contains all the information related to a sigle bet

uint128_t superkey*             ->  concatenated (account name + event + forecast)
name account                    ->  better's account name
asset amount                    ->  amount without bonus
asset amountW                   ->  amount with bonus
uint64_t event                  ->  eventID
uint64_t forecast               ->  bet's forecast

index:  betsTable_index 


eventstable: contains all the information related to a sigle event

uint64_t event*                 ->  eventID
time_point betStartTime         ->  event's starting time at GTM
time_point betEndTime           ->  event's starting time at GTM
std::string forecasts           ->  eventID possible forecasts separated by ":" (1:2:..:n)
std::string eventDescription    ->  event description "L.A. Lakers - Miami Heats"
uint64_t contestKey             ->  contestKey for betcontest contract
bool close                      ->  if true event is closed
uint64_t winnerF                ->  winnfer forecast, by default it is set to 9999 
float reward                    ->  rewards per EOS, by default it is set to -9999 
float bonus                     ->  max bonus amount (at time=betStartTime) expressed in %
float exitFee                   ->  min exit fee (at time=betStartTime) expressed in %
uint64_t betCounter             ->  counts all bets fot this event
name betLeader                  ->  user with the highest bet
asset maxBet                    ->  maxBet placed by betLeader

index   eventsTable_index

betsumtable: contains the sum of all bets for a specific forecast

uint64_t betkey*                ->  concatenated (event + forcast)
asset balanceW                  ->  sum of balances with bonus
asset balanceL                  ->  sum of balances without bonus
std::string result              ->  description of result "L.A. Lakers" 

index:  betSumTable_index;

userstable: contains all platform users

name user                       ->  user
uint_64t userid                 ->  platform user registration number
index:  usersTable_index;

ACTIONS inside contract

  • userupdate(name account, uint64_t contestKey, uint64_t event, uint64_t amount, bool winner) cleos push action betcontest userupdate '["USER", "CONTESTKY", "EVENT", "AMOUNT, "WINNER]' -p betnow@active cleos push action betcontest userupdate '["bob", 1, 1, 10000, true]' -p betnow@active

AUTH: "betnow"

Calculates the amount of points to be added for the user and updates rankingTable. If user pont balance is < 0, writes 0

  • beterase(name account, uint64_t event, uint64_t forecast) cleos push action betnow beterase '["USER", "event", "forecast"]' -p USER@active cleos push action betnow beterase '["bob", "1", "1"]' -p bob@active

  • notify(name account, string status, std::string msg) status = ERROR: || INFO || ""


File for deploy betnow website connected to jungle 3 If you login with Betnow account you could use admin page to manage all the events