
Primary LanguagePython

EASY RULER ver 1.0
Auther : Kei F, 2014

- HOW TO USE -----------------------------------------------

In the case of you have Python2.7 and wxPython environment, 
EASY RULER can launch from EasyRuler.py with default_values.txt .

If you dont have, please download all files and launch from dist/EasyRuler.exe

-- Mouse control

Left-click dragging	 : Move the ruler.
Right-click dragging	 : Change the ruler size.
Left click		 : Change the ruler shape
		 (square -> landscape -> portrait)
Rigth-click + left-click : Exit Easy ruler.

-- Key binding

W, A, S, D	: Move upward, left, downward and right. 
0 ~ 9		: Change the gird size.
Q and E		: Change the grid size smoothly.

- CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------

README.txt <- This is it.

EasyRuler.py <- source code (Python2.7* and wxPython are required)

dist/EasyRuler.exe <- compiled exe file (using py2exe)

default_values.txt <- parameters for the ruler