
Django Tutorial (Django Poll App) for Django version 3.1 with docker, docker-compose, uwsgi and nginx.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Code style: black

Django Tutorial

Django Tutorial (Django Poll App) for Django version 3.1 with docker, docker-compose, uwsgi and nginx.


In order to install and run django-tutorial, Docker and Docker-Compose are required (docker>19.03 CE and docker-compose>1.26).


1. Code / Repository

Repository can be cloned by one of following commands:

  • Via SSH: git clone git@github.com:krzysieqq/django_tutorial.git
  • Via HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/krzysieqq/django_tutorial.git
2. Docker containers

Upon cloning the repository django-tutorial project can be built and ran using commands:

  1. ./run.sh -i to install local development components and build docker image
  2. ./run.sh -u to start local containers with follow output or ./run.sh -u without output
  3. Optional. If you'd like to create super user account run ./run.sh -csu <password> f.g. ./run.sh -csu admin. Default admin username is admin.

Script will pull and build all required docker images of django-tutorial, as well as run all required commands from entrypoint.local.sh and install packages from requirements.local.txt used only for local development.

Local web address: http://localhost:8000/
Django Admin Panel address: http://localhost:8000/admin
WDB address: http://localhost:1984


Tests are executed with command in backend container pytest. if test coverage is less then 96% tests will fail.

If you'd like to run tests outside container: CI_REGISTRY=localhost RELEASE_VERSION=local ./check_tests.sh


Usage of ./run.sh file:
./run.sh                                      -> UP containers in detach mode
./run.sh bash|-sh                             -> Open bash in main container
./run.sh build|-b <optional params>           -> BUILD containers
./run.sh build-force|-bf <optional params>    -> Force build containers (with params no-cache, pull)
./run.sh custom_command|-cc                   -> Custom docker-compose command
./run.sh create_django_secret|-crs            -> Create Django Secret Key
./run.sh create_superuser|-csu                -> Create default super user
./run.sh down|-dn                             -> DOWN (stop and remove) containers
./run.sh downv|-dnv                           -> DOWN (stop and remove with volumes) containers
./run.sh help|-h                              -> Show this help message
./run.sh install|-i                           -> Install local development setup
./run.sh logs|-l <optional params>            -> LOGS from ALL containers
./run.sh logsf|-lf <optional params>          -> LOGS from ALL containers with follow option
./run.sh shell|-sl                            -> Open shell in main container
./run.sh shell_plus|-sp                       -> Open shell plus (only if django_extensions installed) in main container
./run.sh makemigrate|-mm <optional params>    -> Make migrations and migrate inside main container
./run.sh notebook|-nb                         -> Run notebook (only if django_extensions installed)
./run.sh recreate|-rec <optional params>      -> Up and recreate containers
./run.sh recreated|-recd <optional params>    -> Up and recreate containers in detach mode
./run.sh restart|-r <optional params>         -> Restart containers
./run.sh rm|-rm <optional params>             -> Remove force container
./run.sh stop|-s <optional params>            -> Stop containers
./run.sh test|-t <optional params>            -> Run tests
./run.sh up|-u <optional params>              -> UP containers with output

You could also run ./run.sh help or ./run.sh -h in terminal to show this message.