
Currency exchange rates workflow for Alfred 2.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Currency exchange rates workflow for Alfred 2.


How to install

Download the Exchange Rates.alfredworkflow file and import it into Alfred. Currency rates are fetched from openexchangerates.org. You need to register on their website and get free app_id. Open the workflow directory, rename settings.py.template file to settings.py and put your app_id in the oer_app_id variable.


Use command in Alfred in the format: rate VALUE_FROM CURRENCY_FROM in CURRENCY_TO, for example: rate 120 USD in EUR. Commands are case insensitive and in can be, in fact, anything.


This project uses alfred-python by nikiopre.

"Money" icon designed by Patrick Morrison from the Noun Project is licensed under Creative Commons – Attribution (CC BY 3.0).