
This repository contains a few basic Logspout configuration working examples with Podman compose

Primary LanguageMakefile

Logspout Playground

This repository contains a few basic Logspout configuration examples.

To run this example Podman installation and some other dependencies like Papertrail account is required.

More detailed documentation of the Logspout.

Integration examples

  • Papertrail - an example showing how to pump logs to an external logs aggregator (make sure <YOUR_PAPERTRAIL_PORT_NUMBER> placeholder is replaced with your correct Papertrail port number).
  • Grafana - an example to show how to direct logs into hosted aggregator and view in Grafana.


Papertrail example

Single Logspout


Grafana example

This example shows how to group and pass logs through to Grafana, so they can be viewed in the UI.


Use Makefile to run all the examples. To list all available options run make.



  • Run make up-logspout-papertrail or up-logspout-grouping-papertrail to start a specific example up.
  • Observe events on the Papertrail dashboard.


  • Run make up-logspout-grafana to start the whole stack.
  • Observe events on the Grafana dashboard (localhost:3000).