
Basic Login/Register App Using Node.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Is A Basic Login App Made Using Nodejs.Here You Can Create An Account And Login Using That.I Have used Passport for login and Mongodb as the database. I have added a facility for reseting password,An Email with the resetting link will be send to your email just click the link and reset your password 😉 You can add a profile pic too...Just give it a try 😄






Those Who Wish To Use This Login App For Their App Can Use It. All Kind of contributions are welcome 😊


  • git clone https://github.com/aswinzz/LoginApp.git

  • cd LoginApp

  • Open users.js present in routes folder

  • In line number 91 - var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport('smtps://user%40gmail.com:pass@smtp.gmail.com'); change users to yours/organization's email id and pass to the password.

  • Run npm install

  • Run node app

  • Open localhost:3000 in any browser