
This is a small Application using Python/Django REST framework

Primary LanguagePython

Consume YouTubeAPI

This is a small Application using Python/Django REST framework

Django application with a simple ORM class to work with YouTube videos.

  - YouTube video ID
  - Video Title
  - Video Description

Python YouTube API client to search YouTube for videos with given Channel ID.

Example Channel ID: your channel ID

  - API Docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list
  - API Client: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/google-api-python-client/
  Pass the channel ID as filter without any search query you will get all the videos in channel with a paginated result.

Django Rest Framework to create a couple of API endpoint to list the YouTube videos.

  - GET request to list all videos
  - GET request to get video details based on ID