
A procedural python-based task execution framework with ROS integration.

Primary LanguagePython


SMACH is a task-level python execution framework for rapidly composing complex robot behaviors.

This fork adds rudimentary structural coverage collection to smach. Specifically, structural coverage will be collected for each StateMachine object created and executed in the program. Nested StateMachines are not supported, but should collect coverage data separately, treating inner StateMachines as if they were a simple state. The coverage data collected is simply the states executed, and their outcomes.

Coverage data is stored in the CWD, in files named .scov_I, where I is an integer counter for each StateMachine object instantiated by the program. These will be numbered according to their instantiation order in the program. A simple example with only a single StateMachine will produce the file .scov_0. Note that subsequent executions will overwrite this file.


Coverage data will be automatically collected provided at least one StateMachine is executed in a program. Coverage data is written to files when execution finishes - i.e. when the StateMachine returns an outcome.

The most straightforward method to use this modified version of smach is to copy the smach source folder (smach/src/smach) to the directory of your smach application.

After running the program, you may view a simple coverage report by running the smach_coverage_report python script, as follows:

./smach_coverage_report.py .scov_0

This will give some simple statistics on the percentage of outcomes achieved, as well as a list of all uncovered outcomes for each state.

By renaming the coverage data file and running the code again, you may combine output by specifying multiple data files as arguments to the script. Note that the reporting script expects all coverage data files supplied to originate from the same state machine - i.e. the list of outcomes and states must be identical.

./smach_coverage_report.py .scov_0 .scov_0_test1 .scove_0_test2