
A simple python CLI tool to manage google tasks

Primary LanguagePython



google-task-cli is a simple python CLI tool to manage your Google Tasks. It uses the Google APIs Client Library for Python to interact with the Google Tasks API.


Requires Python 2.7 to run the script. It also needs the following dependencies:


All of dependencies above can be installed with pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Before using the script, there are a few steps you need to follow to register your app as it needs to be authorized to make requests to google service.

  • Go to Google APIs Console to create a new project.

  • Click APIs in the project pane and activate the Google Tasks API for your project.

  • Click Credentials in the project pane, in OAuth section create a new client ID, choose Installed application as APPLICATION TYPE. It will generate a client ID and a client secret which will be used for our tool.

  • In Public API access section, create a new key. Choose Server key from the pop-up. This will generate an API key which will be used in our script.

Now you've finished registering your project.

  • Download zip and unzip the project or use git clone to download it

  • Add the generated client ID, client secret and API key to the credentials.json file

  • For running the script anywhere from the command line and without the python command :

    • Make the gtask.py file executable $ chmod +x gtask.py

    • Add the gTask-cli project directory to your PATH environment variable. In your .bashrc file, add export PATH=/path/to/project/:$PATH and then source your .bashrc file

    • To simplify your use of the script, I recommend to add an alias to the gtask.py file, like : alias gtask='/path/to/project/gtask.py'

NOTE: For the first time, There will be a dialogue to request you for the permission to access your google tasks data, just copy the generated url and paste it in a browser address bar and accept the access to your tasks data, then paste the provided key back into the terminal. The tasks.dat file will be generated.

NOTE: Remember that you should never commit the credentials.json and tasks.dat files to your github.


For help, use -h option.

$ gtask -h
usage: gtask.py [-h] [-v] [-l] [-t LIST_NUM] [-T LIST_NUM TASK_NUM] [-N TITLE]
                [-U LIST_NUM TITLE] [-D LIST_NUM] [-n LIST_NUM]
                [-d LIST_NUM TASK_NUM] [-c LIST_NUM] [-m LIST_NUM TASK_NUM]

A python CLI tool to manage your google tasks

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v                    print the version and exit
  -l                    show all your task lists names
  -t LIST_NUM           show all tasks in the specified task list
  -T LIST_NUM TASK_NUM  show the speified task
  -N TITLE              create a new task list
  -U LIST_NUM TITLE     update the specified task list with the new title
  -D LIST_NUM           delete the specified task list
  -n LIST_NUM           create a new task on the specified task list
  -d LIST_NUM TASK_NUM  delete the specified task from the task list
  -c LIST_NUM           clear all completed tasks from the specified task list
  -m LIST_NUM TASK_NUM  mark the specified task as completed

Usage examples

  • -h or --help : show the help message and exit

  • -l : show all your tasklists names

    $ gtask -l
    1 - tasklist1
    2 - tasklist2
  • t LIST_NUM : show all tasks in the specified task list

    $ gtask -t 1
    1 tasklist1
      1 Go to gym
      2 Finish the homework
      3 Finish the python project
  • -T LIST_NUM TASK_NUM : show the specified task

    $ gtask -T 1 1 
    Task: Go to gym
    Due: 2014-07-25
    Notes: It has to be done!
  • -N TITLE : create a new task list

    $ gtask -N "tasklist3"
    [SUCCESS] The new task list 'tasklist3' has been created
    $ gtask -l
    1 - tasklist1
    2 - tasklist2
    3 - tasklist3
  • -U LIST_NAME TITLE : update the specified task list with the new title

    $ gtask -U 3 "new tasklist 3"
    [SUCCESS] Update the task list 'tasklist3' to 'new tasklist 3'
    $ gtask -l
    1 - tasklist1
    2 - tasklist2
    3 - new tasklist 3
  • -D LIST_NUM : delete the specified task list

    $ gtask -D 3
    [SUCCESS] The tast list 'new tasklist 3' has been deleted
  • -n LIST_NUM : create a new task on the specified task list

    $ gtask -n 1
    Task title: Do mont-blanc toor
    Task notes: during 7 days
    Task due (YYYY-MM-DD): 2014-08-16
    [SUCCESS] The new task 'Do mont-blanc toor' has been created
  • -d LIST_NUM TASK_NUM : delete the specified task from the task list

    $ gtask -t 2
    2 tasklist2
      1 task sample 1
      2 task sample 2
    $ gtask -d 2 2
    [SUCCESS] The task 'task sample 2' has been deleted
  • -m LIST_NUM TASK_NUM : mark the specified task as completed

  • -c LIST_NUM : clear all completed tasks from the specified task list

    $ gtask -m 1 3
    [SUCCESS] The task 'Finish the homework' is marked as completed
    $ gtask -c 1
    [SUCCESS] All the completed task in task list 'tasklist1' have been cleared
    $ gtask -t 1
    1 tasklist1
      1 Do mont-blanc toor
      2 Go to gym
      3 Finish the python project


  • add func for updating a task
  • add func for moving a task
  • apply PEP8 coding convention
  • code refactoring

You can help

Feel free to report errors or requests. Any contributions are welcomed.


gTask-cli is relesed under the MIT License.