
Template for quickly setting up an SPA

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CircleCI Codecov


Single Page App, Quick!


A server and client setup to allow for rapid prototyping SPA's. The goal of this project is to make few assumptions and setup everything needed to start development imediately.

Server Express-based server that serves both the static assets (/client) and an API. (Documentation)

Client React SPA with basic starting components, SystemJS and Bootstrap. (Documentation)

Quick Start

The goal of this project being rapid prototyping and development, the project uses Docker (with Binci) to allow both the application and its database to be run with very little configuration.

After installing Docker and Binci, the application can be run with the following command:

binci install seed start:dev

The above command will install dependencies, seed the database (see /scripts/seed.js) and start the server in development mode with nodemon to reload server changes and hot-reloading on the client. You can access the server at http://localhost:9999.

The client application starts at a login screen. Credentials can be found/modified in /scripts/seed.js


The default configuration in binci.yml includes the following:


The only exposed port is (by default) 9999. This is exposed on the primary docker container so the application can be accessed at http://localhost:9999.


The following environment variables are used by the server for authentication purposes:

  • AUTH_PASSWORD_SALT: Unique salt with which the password for users is hashed using argon2
  • AUTH_JWT_SECRET: Secret used when encoding the JSON Web Tokens
  • AUTH_JWT_EXPIRES: Expiration time for JSON Web Tokens (default 86400000 or 24 hours)


Configuration guide for the API (and setting up additional routes, models and controllers) can be found in the Server Documentation


The following commands are available for working with the application.

binci <COMMAND>:

  • env: show all environment variables
  • shell: starts container(s) with interactive shell
  • build: builds client/dist.js for production runs
  • clean: removes dependencies, data, and generated coverage files
  • clean:node_modules removes /node_modules
  • clean:jspm_packages: removes /client/jspm_packages
  • clean:coverage: removes /coverage
  • clean:data: removes /data (MongoDB data volume)
  • install: installs all project dependencies
  • lint: runs full lint task
  • lint:client: runs lint task on client files only
  • lint:server: runs lint task on server files only
  • test: runs linting and full tests (with coverage)
  • test:client: runs tests on client files only
  • test:server: runs tests on server files only
  • test:watch: runs test suite with reload on change
  • seed: runs scripts/seed to seed database with data
  • start: starts the application (production)
  • start:dev: starts the application (development)
  • upgrade: runs interactive yarn upgrade

Note: many of these commands can be run in tandem, for instance, to start a clean (data-free) run of the application in development mode, run binci clean:data start:dev.

Installing Dependencies

Because Binci runs the application in the container dependencies are installed through the container. When the project is run a .yarn-cache directory is created in the root of the project to maintain local cache for the project. To install new dependencies within the scope of the containerize application, run:

binci -e "yarn add <DEPENDENCY>"

This will ensure that the dependency is installed (and built if need-be) inside the container and the yarn.lock and .yarn-cache are maintained properly.

Personal Notes

My goal for this project was two-fold:

  1. Give myself an excuse to spend more time in client-side development again, as recently much of my work has been on Node and backend development.
  2. Develop a framework that stopped looking at the front-end and back-end as two incompatible entities; identify, and utilize, the similarities.

Specifically to latter point; there are inherent differences but I tried to minimize these. The module structure is probably the most significant (primarily due to ReactJS's OOP), however, testing, linting, and general structure of the code should function similarly.

It often seems that working FE or BE/Node is working in two different paradigms and I do not believe this is, nor needs to be, the case.


This project is released under the MIT license. Feel free to use, abuse, modify, and so-on.