
Sentinel Threat Intelligence Upload Toolkit

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Sentinel TI Upload Toolkit

Sentinel Threat Intelligence Upload Toolkit


The Sentinel TI Upload Toolkit contains a number of PowerShell functions and scripts to import Threat Intelligence IOCs into Microsoft Sentinel using the upload indicators API. For more details also see Reference the upload indicators API (Preview) to import threat intelligence to Microsoft Sentinel

Purpose of the toolkit

  • Initially I started with just a few scripts while learning and trying to better understand the STIX indicator format specification and the Request Body for the API.
  • Provide a quick automated process to load custom TI into Microsoft Sentinel
  • Use Azure Automation account as an alternative to Azure Logic Apps
  • Comparisson and content review of various Open Source TI Feeds

Author: AlexVerboon

Module Functions

The Sentinel Threat Intelligence Upload Toolkit PowerShell Module includes the following fuctions:

Function Description
ConvertTo-STIXJson Converts a collection of IOCs (Indicators of Compromise) into STIX JSON format.
Get-IOCDomainNamesContent Retrieves domain names from a specified URL (TXT files)
Get-IOCIPContent Retrieves IP Addresses from a specified URL (TXT files)
Get-IOCIPRawContent Retrieves IP Addresses from a specified URL (TXT files)
Get-IOCUrlContent Retrieves Urls from a specified URL (TXT files)
Import-ThreatIntelligenceIndicators Import threat intelligence indicators to Microsoft Sentinel using the Threat Intelligence upload API. Using client credentials for authentication and authorization
Import-ThreatIntelligenceIndicators_MI Import threat intelligence indicators to Microsoft Sentinel using the Threat Intelligence upload API. Using system managed identity for authentication and authorization


Script Description
Import-Blocklist-Bots.ps1 Import Blocklist.de Bots IOC
Import-CloudIntel.ps1 Import CloudIntel IOC
Import-DigitalSide-Threat-Intel.ps1 Import DigitalSide IOCs
Import-OpenPhish.ps1 Import OpenPhish IOcs
Import-Abuse-Botnet C2 IP Blacklist Import SSL blacklist Abuse.ch
Import-TorExitNodes Import Tor Exit Nodes
Import-TorAllNodes Import Tor All Nodes

Azure Automation Account Scripts

Script Description
AA-Import-CloudIntelFeed.ps1 Import CloudIntel IOC
AA-Import-TorExitNodes.ps1 Import Tor Exit Nodes IOC
AA-Import-TorAllNodes.ps1 Import Tor Exit Nodes IOC

Initial Setup and Configuration

Local Scripts

  1. Register a Microsoft Entra application and record its application ID.
  2. Generate and record a client secret for your Microsoft Entra application.
  3. Assign your Microsoft Entra application the Microsoft Sentinel contributor role or equivalent.
  4. Install the Threat Intelligence upload indicators API data connector in Microsoft Sentinel (optional) Microsoft documentation
  5. Within the Import-Scripts folder update the indiidual ps1 scripts.
    • Update the AppID, AppSecret, TenantName and WorkspaceID variables
    • Update the TI Upload variables as per your needs. Description, Name, SourceSystem, Confidence, TLP, Labels (Tags) localscript
  6. Run the PowerShell Script

Azure Automation Account

  1. Create an Automation Account in Azure
  2. Assign the system managed identity for the Automation Account Microsoft Sentinel contributor role or equivalent.
  3. Import the SentinelTIUploadToolkit PowerShell Module into the Azure Automation Account Modules PowerShellModule
  4. Create a Runbook for example "Import-CloudIntelFeed" and paste the code from AA-Import-CloudINtelFeed Runbook
  5. Update the workspaceid variable and update other variables as per your needs RunbookScript
  6. Start the Runbook

Threat Intelligence in Microsoft Sentinel

When all works as expected you see the imported TI appear in the Microsoft Sentinel portal and Log Analytics workspace.

Sentinel Threat Intelligence Rsentinel LA TI Sources Sentinel LA TI detail



  • Add Automation Account variables to avoid hardcoded worskpaceid
  • Add tutorial for creating new TI feed import scripts
  • Create scripts to retrieve content from CSV files
  • Create a Schedule for Automation Account Runbooks so that imports happen at the right time
  • Add more examples for importing md5 hashes and email IOCs
  • Automate PowerShell module ZIP file creation and upload to PowerShell Gallery
  • Update Endpoint to https://sentinelus.azure-api.net/{workspaceId}/threatintelligenceindicators:upload (Currently in Preview)