
Single-page note management app built with Rails and React

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Noteworthy is a web application for writing and storing notes. It is inspired by Evernote and employs Ruby on Rails, a PostgreSQL database, and React.js with a Flux architecture.

Splash page




New notebook modal



Single-page functionality

Noteworthy employs the React Router to create a fluid experience on a single page. All content is rendered to the root page by the static pages controller, and changes to the React Router's hash history determine what content -- in the form of React components -- is rendered at any given time.

<Route path="/" component={App}>
  <IndexRoute component={SplashPage} onEnter={_requireAnonymous}/>
  <Route path="notes" component={NoteIndex} onEnter={_ensureLoggedIn}>
    <IndexRoute component={NoteForm}/>
    <Route path=":noteId" component={NoteForm} />
  <Route path="notebooks" component={NotebookIndex} onEnter={_ensureLoggedIn}>
    <Route path=":notebookId" component={NoteIndex}>
      <Route path=":noteId" component={NoteForm} />

In addition, the notebooks index is a dynamic drawer that gives the user access to notebooks from the landing page without changing the URL.


Noteworthy makes use of the node package Quill.js to provide rich-text editing.



Notes are saved automatically every 5 seconds and when the user navigates away from the note's body or title input fields (onBlur or on ComponentWillUnmount).

autoSave() {
  const noteData = {
    title: this.state.title,
    body: this.state.body,
    id: this.state.noteId
  this.setState({saved: 'All changes saved'});


Notes can be tagged with an unlimited number of tags. All tags must be unique (duplicate tags are ignored) and notes are saved when tags are created.


Notes and notebooks are searchable and the notes and notebook indices, respectively, update dynamically to show only those items matching the current query.

Future directions

Additional features to expect soon:

  • Notebooks can have tags
  • Tags are searchable
  • Fuzzy search for notes/notebooks
  • User profile page


  • Quill.js
  • jBuilder
  • Webpack
  • PostgreSQL
  • jQuery
  • React Router
  • BCrypt

Original documentation