
⚡ FFTCG Collecting Application Utilizing Rails and React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FFTCG Collector

Project Overview

FFTCG card collecting web application utilizing Rails and React.

  • Frontend: React, React Router v6, Material UI
  • Backend: Ruby on Rails, Active Record, Active Storage, PostgreSQL

User Stories

  • General user can view all expansion and cards associated with each expansion
  • General user can view all cards
  • General user can create and delete a account
  • General user can update all account information
  • General user can login and logout via sessions
  • General user can add and delete cards from their collection
  • General user can view their collection
  • General user can view the percentage of each collection collected

Admin User Stories

  • Admin user can delete users from the database
  • Admin user can create and remove an expansion
  • Admin user can create and remove a card
  • Admin user can update a card and card variants

Project Preview

Home Page


Sets Page


Cards By Set Page

Set Cards

Card Browser Page

Card Browser

Resources Page


(User) Collection Dashboard


(Admin) Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard

(Admin) Manage Sets

Manage Sets

(Admin) Edit Card Page

Card Edit

Database Overview

Database is setup to use the following seed data:

  • 6 Default Cart Variant Types

Database Relations

Coming Soon


Cards - CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete

INDEX /cards
SHOW /cards/:serial
CREATE /cards (Admin Only)
UPDATE /cards/:serial (Admin Only)
DESTROY /cards/:id (Admin Only)

Expansions - CRUD: Create, Read, Delete

INDEX /expansions
SHOW /expansions/:name
CREATE /expansions (Admin Only)
DESTROY /expansions/:id (Admin Only)

Users - CRUD: Create, Update, Delete

CREATE /users
UPDATE /users/:id
DESTROY /users/:id

Users - Custom Routes

GET /all-users (Admin Only)
SHOW /account
PATCH /change-password
DELETE /admin/users/:id (Admin Only)

Collections - Custom Routes

INDEX /collections
GET /collection-stats
POST /update-collection

Sessions - Custom Routes

POST /login
DELETE /logout


Information presented on this web application about the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game, including FINAL FANTASY, SQUARE ENIX, the SQUARE ENIX logo, images, and text, are registered trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co, Ltd. FFTCG Collector is not affiliated with Square Enix Holdings Co, Ltd.