erl-find-source for Emacs

Simple implementation of "find source at point", with no dependencies except to erlang-mode, and optionally to grep for erlfs-find-callers.

Most of the code is copied from distel by Luke Gorrie, except this version doesn't use an erlang node.

Typical usage of this module is to bind M-. to erlfs-find-source-at-point, and M-* or M-, to erlfs-find-source-unwind, and M-? to erlfs-find-callers.

The function erlfs-find-source-at-point jumps to the definition of the erlang function at point. If the function at the point is a local function, it jump to its defintion in the local module. If the function at the point is a remote call, it performs the following algorithm:

  • If a buffer exists with the name <module>.erl, goto that buffer.

  • Otherwise, if a file <module>.erl exists in the current directory, visit that file.

  • Otherwise, for each directory pattern in erlfs-search-patterns, if <module>.erl exists in a directory matching that pattern, visit that file.

  • Otherwise, report that the file can't be found.

The function erlfs-find-callers uses grep to find callers of the function under point.